Race, Culture & Identity

House Labor-HHS Approps: Religious Discrimination/LGBTQ Amendment

Last Thursday, when the House Appropriations Committee acted on their Labor-HHS-Education bill, Committee Republicans included an amendment that could promote discrimination in the placement and recruitment of children and parents based on gender and sexual preference. The amendment was offered by Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and it is similar to language and legislation sponsored by

Administration Struggles Toward Family Reunification with 2500 More

As of this past weekend, it was unclear how many of the approximate 100 children under the age of five that had been reunited with parents. By last Tuesday’s deadline HHS was saying they had reunified over 50 of the approximate 100 children. Some of the reasons for failure to reunite children included parental failure

House Appropriations Committee: Labor-HHS Bill Passes Plus Poison Pills

On Thursday, July 12 the House Appropriations Committee passed their Labor-Health and Human Services and Education bill after two previous delays. Most of the votes cast were along party line with a great deal of the debate focused on immigration and family separation. In the end the bill was approved along party lines with several

HHS Opioids Study Looks at Economic and Geographic Trends

HHS has released a new study through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) on opioids with this one focusing on the economic and geographic impact of the drug. The Opioid Crisis and Economic Opportunity: Geographic and Economic Trends Noting the background that is now regularly repeated that opioid use has

Advocates Call for Congressional Oversight on Child Separation

A joint briefing by the YWCA and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation: A Report Back from the Border on Friday, June 29, provided a platform for advocates to call for congressional action. The panel discussion and remarks included Abel Nunez, CARECEN—Latino Resource and Justice Center, Maria Cardona, Latinovations, Maria Teresa Kumar, Vota Latino, Ranit Mishori, Global

House May Take Second Attempt at Immigration Bill This Week

Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WS) immigration compromise may come up for a vote this week. Originally the House was to vote on two bills on Thursday June 21, the Congressman Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) bill that was seen as a conservative vehicle and the Ryan bill that was labeled a compromise between moderate and conservative Republicans. The

Next DACA Date: Tuesday

Republican members of the House of Representatives had their high noon meeting to discuss immigration and DACA last Thursday, June 7 but the meeting ended without resolution. Officially there are 215 votes on a discharge petition that would force a vote on four immigration bills. Leaders of the effort say they have the 3 additional

Young Advocates Discuss Life in Foster Care

Shaquita Ogleetree On Wednesday, June 6th, the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth in coordination with Florida’s Camelot Community Care held a youth-lead briefing titled: What’s next for me? Facing my future as I age out of care. A dynamic panel of eight young people between the ages of 18 through 22 and in foster care

Forced DACA Vote May Happen in June

When members of Congress departed for the Memorial Day break, a small group of pro-immigration Republican members felt confident they could get the necessary 218 votes on a discharge petition that would force a vote on a DACA bill. At last count, if all Democrats sign-on, the count stood at 215 just before the break.

Administration Continues To Take Heat on Splitting Families

Last year the Child Welfare League of America participated in a Capitol Hill press conference with congressional members, including Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA) denouncing the Administration’s consideration of a policy that would split up immigrant families as an anti-immigration enforcement tool. A report by the Washington Post last month indicates that the Administration is preparing

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