
How Does the Delay in 2019 Affect 2020 Appropriations Issues?

It looks as if the third year of the Trump Presidency will start out for the third time with a delayed budget and appropriations process. The government shutdown means that the budget will not be released in the first week of February as required. When it does come out it will likely include a hodgepodge

TANF Extension Passes Senate, President Expected to Sign

The President has signed an extension of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. The action was on track before the temporary reprieve from the government shutdown was agreed to last Friday. On Tuesday, January 22, the Senate passed the short term extension, HR 430. The bill extends the block grant through June

TANF Extension Passes House, Next Senate?

Last week the House of Representatives passed a short term extension of the Temporary assistance for Needy Families (TANF), HR 430. The bill would extend the block grant through June 30, 2019. It is unclear if Senate Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) will let it pass. TANF block grant has run out despite the full funding

House Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth Discusses 2019 Agenda

On Thursday, January 17, 2019, the chairs of Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth held a welcome back event with the staff on Capitol Hill and advocates to discuss issues affecting youth in the child welfare system. The National Foster Youth Institute (NFYI) shared the success of 2018 work and efforts planned for 2019 with the

Human Service Impact Climbs

The ongoing government shutdown is a mixed bag in terms of human services funding and which programs, and, by extension, people are most vulnerable. As part of the five appropriations bills that were signed on time last fall, the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education and Department of Labor are all funded.

Senate Legislation Introduced to Extend Title IV-E Waivers

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) have introduced the State Flexibility for Family First Transitions Act. It would allow current Title IV-E waiver states to extend their child welfare waivers for two years although there is no provision that would stop another extension after the next two-year extension. As part of an

Loan Forgiveness for Social Workers and Others Not Working

According to research by the newspaper USA Today, despite the fact that you can get loan forgiveness for public service—including social workers in a child welfare agency, after working for ten years, the vast majority of applicants have not had success in getting their loans forgiven. More than 41,000 public servants have applied for loan

Budget Impasse Starts to Have Impact

This week is likely to see the first full effects of the partial government shutdown although for over 800,000 workers that has been felt since December 21, 2018. On Friday after a reportedly contentious meaning between Congressional Democrats and the President, Mr. Trump proclaimed that the government shutdown could go on for “months or even

Child Trends Survey Shows State Child Welfare Spending Consistent with Past

This past December, Child Trends released a new survey of state child welfare spending based on 2016 state fiscal years. The biennial survey indicates that overall spending in combined federal, state and local child welfare dollars remained somewhat stable from the past survey (based on 2014) with spending up by 5 percent. But over ten

Budget Deadline 21st, Could Be First Issue for New Congress

The House wrapped up early Thursday and is not scheduled to return until next Wednesday at the earliest. House members left without any indication of what they would be doing this week when funding expires for seven appropriations bills. The President met with likely-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Senator

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