
Panel Discusses Progress on Education and Children in Foster Care

Shaquita Ogletree On Monday, October 1, the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth held a congressional briefing to discuss the Every Student Success Act (ESSA) and School Stability for Foster Youth. According to the most recent report from AFCARS, there were over 260,000 school-aged children in foster care, some of the nation’s most educationally disadvantaged students.

Puerto Rico Looking For Help for Families and Children One Year Later

On Tuesday, September 23, a number of panelists addressed a Capitol Hill crowd on, One Year after Maria: How Children in Puerto Rico are Faring One Year After. The discussion highlighted how Hurricane Maria, one year ago, aggravated what was already a difficult situation for Puerto Rico’s children and families. A panel of experts described

New Foundation Seeks to Address Child Abuse Prevention

The National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect held a press conference on Tuesday, September 25, at the National Press Club to announce their formation and the kick off of their campaign to take on child abuse. The foundation’s goal is to support the growth of research, training and prevention programs through a developing

Panel Focuses on DACA Extensions and Protections

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) hosted a Capitol Hill briefing featuring immigration and education experts to discuss the impact of the Administration’s efforts rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has had on students and teachers over the past year. DACA was created under President Obama in 2012 and on September

Help with Loan Forgiveness and Social Workers

Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) is promoting one-time funding that can assist social workers seeking education loan forgiveness. The temporary funding acts as a patch for some who qualify for loan forgiveness under a ten-year plan that covers some workers (including social workers working within child welfare) if they have paid on their loans over the

Help With Loan Forgiveness and Social Workers

Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) is promoting one-time funding that can assist social workers seeking education loan forgiveness. The temporary funding acts as a patch for some who qualify for loan forgiveness under a ten-year plan that covers some workers (including social workers working within child welfare) if they have paid on their loans over the

Housing Voucher for Youth Aging Out Passes Committee

On Tuesday July 24, the House Committee on Financial Services passed H.R. 2069 the Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act of 2017 by a vote of 34-23. The legislation has been involved in some controversy over the past several months as it has been targeted as part of a larger agenda by House Republicans to increase

House Passes Agriculture Bill Now Confronts Bipartisan Senate Deal

On Thursday, the House approved their farm bill with SNAP/food stamp restrictions by a vote of 213-211, HR 2. The vote was directly tied to the immigration debate as conservatives had sunk the bill last month because of unmet demands on immigration. Estimates are that the House bill will cut SNAP by $19 billion. CWLA

Administration Rolls-Out of Government Reorganization

On Thursday the Administration rolled out how they would reorganize the government. In addition to changing HHS, the plans would combine the Department of Education with the Department of Labor. It would be re-named the Department of Education and Workforce. The Department of Education was created under President Jimmy Carter when, at the same time,

Addressing Early Childhood Poverty

Shaquita Ogletree The U.S. Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), a partnership of national, child-focused organizations—including the Child Welfare League of America—dedicated to cutting child poverty in half within a decade held their first webinar. The presentation was based on a compendium of cross-sector solutions to significantly reduce child poverty in the U.S. CPAG presenters included

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