
Budget Cuts Funding for Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Reduction

The new Davis bill addressing an important need comes on the heels of an Administration budget that cuts a key program that promotes evidence-based teen pregnancy reduction programs. The budget includes the elimination of the evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program, currently funded at $101 million. Ginny Ehrlich, CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent

Budget Tomorrow—Cuts Expected

The Administration is expected to release the 2018 budget on Tuesday, May 23. That budget will provide the specifics of the significant cuts the President had proposed in March.  It should also shine some light on other parts of the President’s proposals including his tax cut package and possible government reorganization and reductions.  The 2018

Subcommittee Looks at Disconnected Youth, Could Set Up Budget Cuts

On Wednesday, the House Subcommittee on Human Resources conducted an oversight hearing labeled, Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults to Break the Cycle of Poverty.  The hearing focused on private and non-profit strategies to move young people into the education and workforce systems.  Subcommittee Chair Adrian Smith (R-NE) said, “There is an alarming trend happening

Home Visiting Coalition Seeking National, State and Local Sign-Ons

The Home Visiting Coalition, which CWLA belongs to, is circulating a sign-on letter to congressional leaders urging Congress to act quickly to reauthorize the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program for a period of five (5) years with a doubling of funding from $400 million annually to $800 million annually. The Coalition

Sexual Abuse Reporting Bill Moves Out of Committee

On Thursday, May 11, the Senate Judiciary passed the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act, S 534.  The legislation, endorsed by CWLA, would require mandated reporting of child abuse by amateur athletic governing bodies.  The legislation is an outgrowth of reports of sexual abuse of some past members of the USA Olympic Gymnastics teams.

Quality Child Care Shows Long Term Results

By Shellie Parrish Quality child care for disadvantaged children can result in significant economic and social gains later in life according to new research.  The conclusion is the result of new findings by Professor James Heckman, University of Chicago. The study displayed the correlation between access to quality child care and earned income of children

Administration Budget Heavy On Cuts And Criticism

The President’s proposed budget for discretionary spending for 2018 landed with a crash as it includes dramatic cuts across agencies and departments as a way to pay for increases to the Pentagon. The proposal was released on Thursday, March16 and applies to the discretionary portion of federal spending with the rest to be published with

Home Visiting Hearing Positive About MIECHV

On Wednesday, March 15, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources held a hearing and took the first step toward a reauthorization of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program.  Members from both sides seemed positive in their assessment of the program they were also well informed on how the

Senate Repeals Set of Education Regulations

Efforts to better coordinate access to education for children and youth in foster care may have suffered a setback last week Thursday.  The Senate approved a roll-back of Obama Administration regulations to implement the new education law. The regulations covered numerous parts of the newly reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education ACT (ESEA).  In part the

Resources To Improve Education and Foster Care Status

The Legal Center for Foster Care & Education  has created a guide and factsheet, Roadmap for Foster Care and K–12 Data Linkages, that promotes the cooperation between state and local education and child welfare agencies in the sharing of data.  The Center points out that by sharing data, child welfare and education agencies can work

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