
New Report On Home Visiting Highlights State Progress

Last week CLASP and the Center for American Progress (CAP) released a new report on the federal home visiting program (MIECHV) called, An Investment in our Future: How Federal Home Visiting Funding Provides Critical Support for Parents and Children, The report build on some of the research and information provided last week by HHS as

First Research Report on Home Visiting (MIECHV)

On Friday, HHS released the first preliminary information and research on the home visiting program the Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV).  The research referred to as, Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation or MIHOPE focuses on the initial planning, outreach and target families. The research partners for this and future reports are

President To Release Proposed Budget Today

The President will release his proposed budget this morning.  Some of the proposals have been leaked from the President and White House including his proposals to expand child care and the child care tax credit or the proposal to expand access to community colleges. Under the new proposal for child care, the President would provide

President Announces Child Care Initiative To Build On Child Care Credit

On Thursday, January 22, the President’ released a child care expansion proposal to build on his support for an expanded child care tax credit first announced at the state of the Union Address on Tuesday of last week. Under the new proposal the President would provide significant increases to the child care block grant, the

Education and the Workforce Committee Begins Head Start Discussion

Last week the House Committee on Education and the Workforce held their first formal meeting with Congressman John Kline (R-MN) returning as the chair of that committee. As part of the committee start up, the majority staff released a discussion draft on Head Start reauthorization. In his release Chairman Kline said, "Congress has a responsibility

CWLA Statement on 2015 State of the Union Address

Not in several years has a President of United States placed such emphasis on child care in his State of the Union address. We applaud President Barack Obama’s call for greater support and expansion of early childhood education and child care, and feel it is an important strategy to help families across the income spectrum.

Senate HELP Committee Begins Serious Debate on Ed Law

One early indication of the level of bipartisanship may come this week as the Senate HELP Committee uses its first full committee hearing to focus on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The ESEA was last reauthorized in 2002 as the No Child Left Behind Act but it expired in 2007.

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