
Administration Continues To Take Heat on Splitting Families

Last year the Child Welfare League of America participated in a Capitol Hill press conference with congressional members, including Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA) denouncing the Administration’s consideration of a policy that would split up immigrant families as an anti-immigration enforcement tool. A report by the Washington Post last month indicates that the Administration is preparing

Congress Back Until July 4th With Senate on Aggressive Approps Schedule

If they keep to the agreed to bipartisan schedule, the Senate will clear out all 12 of the appropriations bills this month before they reach the July 4th break. Senators started that process before the Memorial Day break. The Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee will take up its bill the week of June 25. That is the same

TANF Reauthorization Passes Committee, Floor Vote Unclear

On Wednesday, May 23 the House Ways and Means Committee held at markup of their TANF reauthorization bill, the JOBS bill (HR 5861) with a final vote of approval cast the following morning. Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said, after the partisan vote of 24 to 12 for approval, “The JOBS for Success Act restores the

Health Solutions For Families Affected By Abuse and Other Trauma

Shaquita Ogletree The National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse (NHCVA) and Futures Without Violence sponsored a briefing last month, Health Solutions to Women, Children, and Families Affected by Trauma and Abuse. The panel included the First Lady of Massachusetts, Lauren Baker, Sabrina Matoff-Stepp, Office of Women’s Health, HHS, Tiffany Flowers, Pathways Counseling Center, Iowa,

Youth Awareness and Prevention On Opioids

Shaquita Ogletree On May 22, the Hill newspaper sponsored another of their series of forums on opioids, America’s Opioid Epidemic: Youth Awareness & Prevention. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) spoke about her state having the highest opioid death rate per capita in the United States and how the state is struggling with the multiple families

TANF Reauthorization Likely Scheduled for Wednesday Vote

The House Ways and Means Committee has released for debate and vote a TANF reauthorization. It is anticipated that the vote will take place this Wednesday. The announcement of the latest bill came last Thursday and would set a vote two weeks after the Human Resources Subcommittee released an initial draft. The bill makes superficial

House Republican Leaders Push Back on DACA

Last Wednesday, May 16, House Republican leaders, led by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warned off members against a discharge vote on DACA. He told members in a closed door meeting that was widely reported that if the election were held now House Republicans would hold the House but if they pushed a vote on

HRC Releases Survey-Study of LGBTQ Youth

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report. The report is based on a survey of more than 12,000 young people aged 13 through 17. The survey was conducted in 2017 by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and researchers at the University of Connecticut. The report states, “Parents and families play

House Committee Unveils TANF Reauthorization

The House Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee held a hearing, “Jobs and Opportunity: Legislative Options to Address the Jobs Gap,” with the purpose to unveil a TANF reauthorization. The reauthorization of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) was a Republican bill but in some respects was not as conservative as some had projected.

Administration Sends Rescission, Rumblings on Cuts in HHS

The Administration has sent up their package of rescissions totaling approximately $15 billion. The proposal, which must be acted on by appropriations committees to become effective, largely targets funds that have not yet spent. The biggest piece is CHIP reserve funds of approximately $7 billion. The funds are there in reserve in part to offset

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