
More on Opioids

Last week the President became the latest President to mark a top priority by declaring war on it. Mr. Trump declared a war on opioids saying, “When confronting a crisis of this magnitude, the most important factor—and one where government too often falls short—is making sure that every dollar is used effectively. To this end,

Fiscal Year 2018 Mop-Up As Members Return

Funding for the current fiscal year expires on March 23. It is not expected to be a problem as that short term CR was designed to allow appropriators to allocate funding provided under the February 9, 2018 budget deal (PL 115-123). That deal agreed to raise the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA) caps for both

Get It Back Campaign Starts to Promote the EITC

Working with the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities, CWLA is joining with other organizations to promote the Get It Back Campaign. The Center regularly works on encouraging families and now some individuals to be sure to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The campaign includes this video. The EITC allows lower income

Child Welfare in Budget

The budget proposes an optional block grant of Title IV-E foster care funding that could be spent for any services now funded under foster care, adoption assistance or Child Welfare Services and Promoting Safe and Stable Families. As pointed out in earlier CWLA analysis, Child Welfare & Block Grants, the 1995 child welfare block grant

Get It Back Campaign Starts to Promote the EITC

Working with the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities, CWLA is joining with other organizations to promote the Get It Back Campaign. The Center regularly works on encouraging families and now some individuals to be sure to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The campaign includes this video. The EITC allows lower income

What Else Is In the Deal?

  There were a number of other important items included in the CR/budget agreement that may have been missed due to the size of the deal. $100 million is added to SSBG with a new separate section to fund social impact bonds or “pay for success” projects. The projects will provide competitive grants to states

Comings and Goings in Administration

By a vote of 55 to 43 the Senate gave the final ok to the appointment Alex Azar to be the next Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Azar becomes the second HHS Secretary for the Trump Administration. He fills a vacancy in the Secretary position created when Secretary Tom Price stepped

What Will 2019 Budget Look Like

No official announcement has been made but much of Washington is expecting that the Administration will release their proposed FY 2019 budget in the first week of February.  That is required by law. But that budget will base program cuts and increases on what FY 2018 spending was set at, which has not yet been

Second Session of Congress Starts Where 1st Session Ended

The 115th Congress began its second session when the Senate returned last Wednesday. The four key leaders had an initial meeting on that day to decide how they can address an expiring CR that runs out January 19, 2018. The House delayed its return to January 8, after they passed the tax package, the CR

What Will Congress Do Edition:

Taxes First Congressional leaders and the President hope to make quick action of their tax bill early this week with the House voting Tuesday and the Senate on Wednesday.  That timetable could be adjusted slightly depending on the health status of two Senators but Senate Republicans are looking confident in getting almost all 52 votes

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