
HHS Secretary May Not Get Ok Until Mid-February  

Next Wednesday Congressman Tom Price will go before the Senate HELP Committee for what will be one of two committee hearings.  The hearing before HELP will be important but it is the Senate Finance Committee that is responsible for confirming his nomination.  Finance is working on the Treasury nomination later this week and is expected

House Rule Could Threaten Unauthorized and Mandatory-Funded Programs

In organizing the House last Tuesday, the House of Representatives agreed to a rule that could threaten the existence of programs that have not been reauthorized (e.g. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, CAPTA, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, JJDPA) and programs that receive mandatory funding (e.g. Promoting Safe and Stable Families, SSBG, CHIP,

In Case You Missed It, HHS Issues Final Regulations and Guidance

Although the new Congress can repeal all regulations issued since early June 2016, the Administration continued to issue key guidance on human service programs through HHS. On Wednesday, December 14, HHS published final regulations for the updated Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) regulations and requirements.  AFCARS data reported by states annually

Congress and President-In-Waiting Big Changes on Horizon

The new 115th Congress will come together for the first time on January 3 and is expected to get to work on a 2017 budget resolution very quickly to provide the first budget reconciliation.  The new Congress will be working around the Monday, January 16, Martin Luther King holiday followed later that week by the

Congress Sends 21st Century Cures Act to President

On Wednesday, December 7, the Senate gave final approval to HR 34 the 21st Century Cures Act by a vote of 94 to five. The bill (which had temporarily served as a vehicle for passage of the Families First Act) is a compilation of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding increases, changes in the drug

Congressman Tom Price Selected as Next HHS Secretary

Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) was nominated by President-Elect Donald Trump to become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services.  Congressman Price was a practicing doctor before he entered politics.  He has been a major supporter of a repeal of the Affordable Care Act.  In the past, he has introduced his own proposal that is

CR Up This Week and Congress Leaves

Funding for FY 2017 runs out on December 9.  If Congress wraps up by Thursday this Congress will come to an end.  Congressional Republicans, working with the in-coming Administration, will partially extend current year funding into the spring instead of finishing the fiscal year decisions. All last week Republican leaders from both houses were behind

What Is A Reconciliation

There has been a great deal of discussion in the last few weeks of how the new Congress and the Trump Administration will use the budget reconciliation process. What is the budget reconciliation and why is it so important? Budget reconciliation is a tool used by the Congress to enact spending reductions or increases in

Key States in Families First Act Debate Have Big Investment In State Funds

For the states that raised objections to parts of the Families First Act, specifically California, New York, Texas and Wyoming, the Child Trends survey gives some perspective. California and New York which raised serious concerns over the re-structuring both draw-down and spend significant amounts on child welfare.   In 2014 California spent slightly more than $4

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