
Bill Moving on Commission to Evaluate Data and Evidence

A bipartisan bill that would create a commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking, S. 991  was reported out of a Senate Committee last week.  The bill, sponsored by Senator Patty Murray (DWA) is similar to a House bill, HR 1831, sponsored by Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WS).  Generally the commission would evaluate the use of data on federal

Injury Deaths in the US Assessed

The Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) have released a new injury prevention policy report. The Facts Hurt: A State-By-State Injury Prevention Policy Report,   The study is a report card based of 10 key indicators of leading evidence-based strategies that help reduce injuries and violence. One person dies from

HHS Conducts Training on New Sex Trafficking Provisions

On Wednesday and Thursday of last week, the Department of Health and Human Services along with the White House coordinated a convening of states to help address the implementation of last year’s Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act. In announcing the event, the National Convening on Trafficking and Child Welfare , the White House

Congressional Republicans Take Aim at Child Support Regulations

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), Human Resources Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany (R-LA), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced legislation to prevent the Administration from implementing proposed new regulations intended to update child support provisions.  The legislation was announced along with tough talk about “dead-beat

Wyden Bill Still Open For Feedback

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) is still seeking input on his draft legislation.  On Monday, May 5, Senator Wyden, the Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee released a “discussion draft” of legislation that would invest new money into child welfare services through Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.  The discussion draft  would build on

Senate Finance Hearing Adds to Collection of May Child Welfare Events

May is National Foster Care Month and as a result there have been a number of events on and around Capitol Hill focusing attention on child welfare in an effort to highlight issues around out of home care. On Tuesday the Senate Finance Committee will add to the focus by holding a hearing.  It will

White House To Highlight Child Welfare Champions On Tuesday, Watch

On Tuesday, May 19th, the White House will honor twelve former foster youth as "Champions of Change" because they are making a difference in their communities. The program will feature remarks by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Deputy Assistant to the President for Urban Affairs, Justice and Opportunity Roy L. Austin Jr. The

House Starts Up Appropriations Work

The House is starting to debate and vote on some of the 12 appropriations bills now that a final budget resolution has been adopted and spending ceilings are in place. That process may be long and challenging as this week’s appropriations debate on the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and other agencies (THUD) legislation was

Briefing Highlights Economics of Prevention

On Thursday, May 14, The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC) sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing with speakers who focused on the economics of prevention. Much of the discussion focused on the use of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) and Pay for Success (PFS) strategies including legislation to support this performance-based financing of prevention.

CWLA Begins Conference, Asks For Virtual Hill Day Action

The CWLA 2015 National Conference starts on Sunday, April 26 with over 60 workshops and additional sessions, presentations, meetings and events beginning the next day.  One of the main features will be Tuesday, April 28, Hill Day in which members are asked to go to Capitol Hill to meet their members of Congress to educate

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