
Adoption Incentives Depleted

The adoption incentive was created by the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) in 1997 and was expanded to some kinship placements because of the 2014 reauthorization. States are awarded if they increase adoptions from foster care over the previous year. That incentive also includes now increased placements into Title IV-E kinship placements. The last

Opioids Forum on the Hill by the Hill

On Wednesday, February 14 of The Hill newspaper sponsored another forum on “Americas Opioid Epidemic.” Some of the featured speakers included Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and Congressman David Joyce (R-OH). In addition, participants heard from Surgeon General Jerome Adams. Senator Whitehouse, who has played a prominent role in crafting some of the recent legislation around both

Opioid Funding Increased, Senate HELP Committee & GAO Sound Off

When the CR/budget deal was agreed to it included a commitment to provide $6 billion more in 2018 and 2019 to address the opioid epidemic. It is unclear how that will break out between treatment, enforcement and prevention but that will be taking place in these next several weeks as appropriations are dealt with. Senator

HELP Committee Continues Focus on Opioids

By Brittney Gerteisen On Tuesday, January 9, the Senate HELP Committee continued their examination of the spread of opioid addiction by hearing from one witness, author Sam Quinones. Sam Quinones is the author of “Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic,” an award-winning book published in 2015 that tells the story of how opiates

Home Visiting

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Congress Extends Funding Until December 22

Congress made quick action of a two-week continuing resolution (CR) on Thursday, December 7, extending FY 2018 funding to December 22, 2017.  Kicking the proverbial can down the road, congressional leaders now have two more weeks to negotiate a laundry list of items that were supposed to be completed last September 30. The House approved

Speaker Says Entitlement Cuts and “Welfare Reform” Next

Building on earlier comments by the President, on Wednesday, December 6, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) said, “We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit.” The irony of the remarks appears to be missed by many congressional leaders who are drafting a

Labor-HHS Subcommittee Reviews Opioids

Download CWLA Advocacy App to Your Phone and Advocate on Your Own Time! Search for "voterVOICE" (one word) in your App store, or use one of these links: Google Play or iTunes After you download the App, you will be prompted to enter your email. A verification code will be sent to your email. After

HELP Committee Keeps Focus on Opioids

Shaquita Ogletree On Thursday, November 30, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing to discuss the opioid crisis and how states, communities, and providers were responding to the epidemic. Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) indicated that he hoped the Committee would take further action next year. Most of Committee members made

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