
Long List For Fall as Congress Leaves

The Senate cut short their extended work schedule on Thursday when they finished work on several nominations including some from HHS.  They will be out until after Labor Day.  When Congress returns in September they will have a long list of items many that must be addressed by the end of the month or at

Home Visiting Groups Continue Looking for Support

Last week Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) announced the introduction of a second House bill to reauthorize the home visiting program.  The HomeVisiting Works Act of  2017 would extend the program for an additional five years and, similar to the goals of the Home Visiting Coalition, it would gradually increase funding to $800 million in year

House Appropriations: More Cuts for HHS

On Thursday, July 13, the House Subcommittee on Labor-Health and Human Services-Education approved an appropriations bill that would cut FY 2017 funding by an additional $5 billion.  While it provides an increase of $1.1 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), rejecting the President’s request of severe cuts, it does little else for human

Home Visiting Groups Looking for Support

Last week the Home Visiting Coalition focused on building grassroots support for the Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV).  With the authorization expiring on September 30 and no action yet, the National Home Visiting Coalition has been working to step up action on MIECHV. MIECHV still enjoys strong, bipartisan support, on and off the

Home Visiting Groups Looking for Support

The Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program is currently set to expire on September 30, 2017.  The Home Visiting Coalition is asking for advocates to help build grassroots support. Last week, the coalition was informed that the MIECHV Reauthorization Bill had not been moved to markup for a committee vote this week because

Home Visiting Coalition Evaluates House Proposal

Now that the House Republicans have introduced a reauthorization of the MIECHV (Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting), or home visiting program there are a number of concerns with the current legislative draft. The Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act (HR 2824), while it would extend the program for five year as CWLA and

House Republicans Introduce Home Visiting Bill

Before leaving for the weekend, House Republicans introduced a reauthorization of the MIECHV (Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting), or home visiting program. The bill, the Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act (HR 2824), would extend the program for five years—as CWLA and other advocates have pursued—but provides level funding of $400 million a

A Host of Reauthorizations But Some Need Passage

There are dozens of federal programs that need reauthorization and are not likely to get extended, at least not in this year. Some reauthorizations ran out years ago but they can still receive funding through the appropriations process.  This includes the Higher Education Act, Head Start, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) which

SSBG and TANF Take Big Hit

As noted both SSBG and TANF are targeted as major revenue raisers through the elimination of SSBG and a cut of $1.7 billion to TANF. There is a letter of support of SSBG that includes supporters at the national, state and local level.  That letter is open for more sign-ons in support right here.  

Groups In Support of SSBG Gear Up for Proposed Budget Cut

If you haven’t seen it before, a coalition group including CWLA has sent Capitol Hill a letter of support of SSBG that will serve as a reminder to Capitol Hill on the importance of SSBG if the Tuesday budget includes its elimination.  The letter includes more than 75 national organizations and organizations and agencies from

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