
ACA Advocates Concerns Grow On Quick Vote-Deal 

It would not be an exaggeration to say that advocates for preserving the Affordable Care Act are extremely concerned that a Senate bill will pass shortly before the July 4th break.  If that happens and 50 votes are rounded up, passage by the House is very likely. The Senate language is being held very tight

Home Visiting Coalition Evaluates House Proposal

Now that the House Republicans have introduced a reauthorization of the MIECHV (Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting), or home visiting program there are a number of concerns with the current legislative draft. The Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act (HR 2824), while it would extend the program for five year as CWLA and

Presidential Commission on Drug Addiction Holds First Meeting

The President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Opioid Crisis, Chaired by Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) met for the first time on Friday, June 16.  The Commission was established to develop interim recommendations to the President with final recommendations by October 1, 2017.  Other members of the Commission include Governor Charlie Baker (R-MA), Governor Ray

ACA: Senate Attempting Quick Action

Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is bound and determined to have a vote on the Senate ACA repeal bill by the end of this month. The logic is that the Senate needs to move the issue one way or another so that the rest of the legislative year and priorities such as a tax

2018 Appropriations and Debt Ceiling Update

Congress has started to step up their hearing process for appropriations with several committees and subcommittees, holding preliminary reviews and testimony from Administration officials. Concurrently, there has been no more clarity on the debt ceiling front except for the fact that the Administration reaffirmed the need to raise it before the August break. The Democrats

Congress Back For Long Hot Summer

The Congress returns this week for what promises to be a very challenging and unpredictable two-months. Before Congress leaves for the August summer break, they will attempt to deal with most of the 2018 appropriations, raise the debt ceiling, vote out a Senate version of an ACA repeal, continue dealing with the ongoing hearings/controversies on

Senate’s Chance To Deal on ACA

After the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued the new assessment of the American Health Care Act  that showed that the amendments made to the original bill costs $32 billion more and it will reduced the number of uninsured under the original bill by only 1 million people, conversations were continuing on a Senate bill.  Now

A Host of Reauthorizations But Some Need Passage

There are dozens of federal programs that need reauthorization and are not likely to get extended, at least not in this year. Some reauthorizations ran out years ago but they can still receive funding through the appropriations process.  This includes the Higher Education Act, Head Start, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) which

Budget Targets Billions In Vital Funding

The Administration released their full 2018 budget on Tuesday, May 23, titled A New Foundation for American Greatness. The good news is that they do not propose converting Title IV-E into a block grant and most of the core discretionary funding for specific child welfare programs is at the same level as 2017.  The bad

CBO: 23 Million Uninsured, Reduced Savings in Revised AHCA

On Wednesday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued the new assessment of the American Health Care Act. It showed that the amendments made to the original bill costs $32 billion more and it reduced the number of uninsured under the original bill by only 1 million people. The key points are that it saves $119

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