
Congress and President-In-Waiting Big Changes on Horizon

The new 115th Congress will come together for the first time on January 3 and is expected to get to work on a 2017 budget resolution very quickly to provide the first budget reconciliation.  The new Congress will be working around the Monday, January 16, Martin Luther King holiday followed later that week by the

Georgetown Health Policy Institute on ACA Repeal & Impact on Child Welfare

On December 13, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute posted a commentary on how the repeal of the ACA could affect child welfare children and families.  The piece, Top Five  Threats to Child Welfare from ACA Repeal was authored by Olivia Golden, Executive Director, CLASP. Part of January will likely be dedicated to the repeal

HHS Issues Guidance on Medicaid to 26 for Youth Formerly in Foster Care

Last week HHS issued a CMS Information Bulletin, on how states can extend Medicaid coverage to young people up to age 26 if they aged out of foster care and then later move to another state. Under the ACA young people who exited foster care have mandatory coverage under Medicaid to the age of 26. 

ACA Repeal & Delay: Loss of Coverage to People, Cost to Hospitals

Two studies last week provided some numbers to what will happen if Congress repeals the Affordable Care Act without a replacement.  According to an analysis by the Urban Institute, if Congress repeals the ACA through the congressional reconciliation process without a replacement plan, at least 29 million people will lose their health insurance coverage.  That

Congress Sends 21st Century Cures Act to President

On Wednesday, December 7, the Senate gave final approval to HR 34 the 21st Century Cures Act by a vote of 94 to five. The bill (which had temporarily served as a vehicle for passage of the Families First Act) is a compilation of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding increases, changes in the drug

Congressman Tom Price Selected as Next HHS Secretary

Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) was nominated by President-Elect Donald Trump to become the next Secretary of Health and Human Services.  Congressman Price was a practicing doctor before he entered politics.  He has been a major supporter of a repeal of the Affordable Care Act.  In the past, he has introduced his own proposal that is

Likely Two Reconciliations Next Year, ACA Repeal and Delay

It appears more likely that there will be two reconciliation measures next year.  The first will be implemented through an FY 2017 budget resolution so that it can be used early in the year.  The second would be implemented through a budget resolution for 2018. The first reconciliation will likely be used to repeal the

The Cost of Health Care as We Enter Another Reform Debate

Shortly before the election the increases in the average premium costs under the ACA captured national attention.  Premiums rose on average by more than 20 percent with increases ranging from 145 percent in Arizona ($507 per month) to a low of – 4 percent in Indiana ($286 per month).  But all the focus was on

Congress Back, May Move Families First With Cures Bill

Congress returns for what is likely to be the last sprint for the 114th Congress.  As part of that they are likely to move an updated version of the Families First Act (Conference Report 114-628)as part of a larger package of legislation. Congress may agree to a “21st Century Cures” bill that seeks to add

Some of Key Points of Surgeon General on Substance Abuse

Although crowed out by the election, Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy’s report on substance abuse, Facing Addiction in America, offers a detailed roadmap to expanding this nation’s strategy on addressing the ever-present problem of substance use.  The Surgeon General said, “the reason I'm issuing this report is I want to call our country to action

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