
Suicide and Homicide Rates Increased: CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics released a new data brief detailing the trends from 2001 through 2021 in suicide and homicide rates for people aged 10–24 and for age groups 10–14, 15–19, and 20–24. The key findings include suicide rates for people aged 10–24 increased from 2007

ILO Event on World Day Against Child Labor

The International Labour Organization (ILO) commemorated World Day Against Child Labour by hosting an event during its 111th Session of the International Labour Conference on June 12, 2023. Opening remarks by Manuela Tomei, Assistant Director General of ILO, emphasized the significance of promoting social justice and its integral relationship with achieving Sustainable Development Target 8.7

Diaper Insecurity among U.S. Children and Families

The National Diaper Bank Network released a new report highlighting diaper need in the United States. From the report: “Families are considered to have diaper need when they cannot afford a supply of diapers adequate for changing at healthy intervals. Diaper need is a public health issue that threatens not only child health, but also

Protecting our Students: Webinar

On June 12, 2023, First Focus on Children started their Child Week 2023 programming with a webinar titled “Protecting our Students – A Conversation with FL State Rep. Anna Eskamani & PEN America’s Jonathan Friedman.” This event focused on the increasing efforts to pass policies that censor students in public schools across the United States.

Senate HELP Hearing on Youth Mental Health

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing on June 8, 2023 titled "Why Are So Many American Youth in a Mental Health Crisis?” exploring causes and solutions to examine the mental health issues youth face and the need for an improved infrastructure for mental health care. Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

House Considers Farm Bill Provisions: Hearing

On June 7, 2023, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing entitled “Innovation, Employment, Integrity, and Health: Opportunities for Modernization in Title IV” to discuss how to proceed with the Farm Bill, which is set to expire later this year. Though children were not the main focus of this hearing, they make up a significant

ACF Observes World Day Against Child Labor

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announced that it is observing World Day Against Child Labor on June 12, 2023, by spotlighting and encouraging those, who can, to join the Within and Beyond Our Borders: Collective Action to Address Hazardous Child Labor organized by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) on June 12, 2023,

Factsheet: Children Thrive in Grandfamilies

Generations United released a new fact sheet highlighting the positive outcomes for children who are raised by grandparents rather than a traditional foster family placement. More than 2.5 million children across the U.S. are raised in kinship families, in which grandparents, another adult family member, or a close family friend are raising children who cannot

President Signs Debt Limit Deal

On Saturday, June 3rd, President Biden signed the debt limit bill, titled the Fiscal Responsibility Act, into law, one week after he and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had struck a deal on the details of the legislation and just ahead of the June 5th deadline. As reported last week, the bill raises

Briefing: Mental Health, Substance Misuse and Violence

The National Health Collaborative on Violence & Abuse (NHCVA) presented policy recommendations on mental health and substance-use-related effects of violence at a policy briefing on June 1, 2023. During the previous years, Congress has provided unprecedented financing for behavioral health programs and victim assistance. There was an emphasis on how to use the funds to

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