
Congress Has Slow Start To Year

With just the House in session last week,  Congress conducted limited business. The most significant action was the House passage of a reconciliation bill that had been carried over from last year.  The reconciliation bill (HR 3762) used the fast-track legislative authority to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and defund Planned Parenthood.  The legislation

2016 Budget Is Final

On Tuesday night Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) announced a final budget deal that wraps up appropriations for the rest of fiscal year 2016.  The House approved the package in parts with approval of the appropriations, the final piece, coming on Friday.  The Senate wasted no time in voting later that day to approve the combined

Discussion: The Elephant in the Room Substance Use & Child Welfare

On Thursday, December 3, Capitol Hill was the location for a briefing on Substance Use Treatment: A Core Component of Child Welfare Reform, the briefing entitled the Elephant in the Room discussed the roll that substance abuse is and has been playing in child welfare and foster care in particular.  CWLA was one of the

Reconciliation Repeals ACA/Planned Parenthood Funding, House Now

The House is expected to re-approve a reconciliation bill that guts the ACA and cuts Planned Parenthood funding this week.  The Senate redesigned an earlier House version in an effort to attract enough Republican Senators.  The bill passed the Senate on Thursday by a vote of 52 to 47.  Two Republican Senators (Kirk R-IL, and

AYPF Takes Extensive Look At Effective Approaches on Foster Medication

On Friday, November 20 the American Youth Policy Forum sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing on the topic of How Research Evidence Informs Foster Youth Medication Policies. The panel discussion included an examination of definitions, usage and oversight of psychotropic and other medications for youth and children in foster care. The discussion reached beyond the numbers

Appropriations Discussions Ongoing and Uncertain

Appropriations staffers and committee members continued to work toward beating a December 11 deadline when the government will run out of money. Despite the ongoing work it is unclear whether or not issues around policy riders and, as of last week the issue of Syrian refugees, will prevent a deal before the government shuts down.

Reconciliation Bill To Repeal ACA, Planned Parenthood Slows Down

The Senate is struggling to move a reconciliation bill that would repeal parts of the ACA and cut-off federal funds to Planned Parenthood. Last month the House of Representatives passed a reconciliation measure based on an instruction included in the spring budget resolution. The legislation is political message bill that will certainly be vetoed by

Office of Adolescent Health Provides New Resource Book

Building on earlier announcements about the “TAG,” Think, Act ,Grow, HHS’s Office of Adolescent Health is continuing their efforts regarding a national call to action to improve the health and healthy development of America’s 42 million adolescents. Adolescent Health: Think, Act, Grow, or TAG, calls on youth-serving professionals, families, and youth to take action by

CWLA Re-States Support For TFC Bill

Last week CWLA sent a letter to members of the Senate Finance Committee reminding Senate Finance Committee members to include The Family-Based Foster Care Services Act: HR.835/S.429 in future child welfare reform legislation. The leadership of the Finance Committee is attempting to present legislation for debate in Committee at some point in the next two

What Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill Look Like Under Caps

In June the House and Senate Appropriations Committees passed FY 2016 bills under the current spending caps. The House bill avoided some of the controversial cuts of the recent past but not all. It de-funds programs to carry out the Affordable Care Act and eliminates funding for Title X family planning, eliminates some 20 Department

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