House legislation

Update on CHIP Reauthorization

There has been no progress on CHIP reauthorization but there was a lot of talk. There was a debate on the Senate floor when Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said that CHIP would get done because “I invented it. I was the one who wrote it… Kennedy came over and became the one who helped put

Tax Bills Pass House and Senate Finance Committee

Thursday, November 16 was a big day for tax cut advocates.  The House of Representatives passed their tax bill (HR 1) by of 227 to 205 with all but 13 Republicans and no Democrats voting for it.  Later that evening the Senate Finance Committee passed their counter proposal out of Committee by a vote of

Bill to Protect Athletes from Sexual Abuse Passes Senate Waits for House

On Tuesday, November 14, the Senate passed S 534, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017.  The legislation, which has had the active support of CWLA, was originally introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to address reports of sexual abuse of Olympic athletes. After passage Senator Feinstein said,

No Progress Update # 1: Appropriations

Last week ended with Senate Appropriations Chair Thad Cochran (R-MS) saying, "We need a new budget deal to finish our work. Congress and the administration must reach agreement on acceptable top-line funding levels. I urge all parties to those negotiations to redouble their efforts to reach agreement." That statement was issued because there is still

No Progress Update # 2 Home Visiting

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No Progress Update # 3: DACA Fix Information and Briefing

No breakthroughs on a DACA compromise this past week and as a result other outside action is proceeding. A group of advocates will sponsor a briefing on Wednesday, November 29 to highlight the benefits of the DACA provisions.  The briefing (see below) will feature business leaders; educators on these young people can assist the economy

No Progress Update # 4: CHIP Reauthorization

There has been no progress on moving a CHIP reauthorization and movement in the Senate was almost impossible this week as the Senate Finance Committee was tied up with the tax package this week. CMS has reallocated a total $600 million to patch up current state shortfalls but that doesn’t relieve state policymakers’ uncertainty without

Two Tax Packages Set the Stage, Adoption Credit Survives

On Thursday, the House Ways and Means Committee approved their tax bill (HR 1) by a vote of 24-16 while the Senate unveiled the outline of their version of tax reform.  After various changes the House bill preserved the Adoption Tax Credit while the Senate bill also retains the credit in their version. Aside from

Progress on Bill to Protect Olympic Athletes from Sexual Abuse

Congress is getting closer to enacting S 534, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017.  The legislation, which has had the active support of CWLA, was originally introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to address reports of sexual abuse of Olympic athletes.  The legislation has been the subject

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