
Trump Administration Brings Back President Bush Appointees

Earlier this month the Administration announced some key appointments within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). Clarence Carter is the new head of the Office of Family Assistance.  Carter comes from Arizona where he had served as the Director of the Arizona Department of Economic Security under Governor Jan Brewer.  Most recently he headed

Immigration Statement

The Child Welfare League of America has joined onto a Five Principles to Guide Any Changes to Immigration Law, Policy or Procedure. Joining with other national, state and local organizations, the signatories agree that children require special care in any immigration legislation including legislation that may deal with increased enforcement.  The statement highlights 5 key

Congress Back To Face Hot Issues on Many Fronts

Congress returns this week in what is likely to be a challenging next four to five weeks. Congress will have to deal with funding for the current fiscal year, deal with a new full budget which covers the 2018 appropriations, and potentially wrestle with a new push by the Trump Administration on a repeal of

CWLA Members Charged Up By Congressman Kennedy

On Wednesday, March 29, CWLA members gathered in Washington for the annual CWLA National Conference.  After the morning policy seminar members were charged up by Congressman Joseph Kennedy III (D-MA). The Congressman has become an outspoken champion of protecting the ACA in particular the expanded access to mental health and substance use treatment. In his

CWLA Members Head To Hill Post ACA Debate

On Wednesday, CWLA members will begin to gather in Washington DC for the annual CWLA National Conference.  The Conference located within walking distance of the Capitol Hill dome will allow the approximately 500 registrants to make their voices heard right during the intense debates on health care, budgets and other controversies. As part of the

House Members Denounce Suggestion of Foster Care in Enforcement

On Thursday, March 9, more than 80 members of Congress signed onto a letter to denounce a suggestion by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly that the Department might look at foster care placements as an enforcement tool regarding immigration. At a press conference, led by Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA), several members of Congress addressed reporters

President’s Harsh Immigration Actions Leaves Window Dreamers—for Now

The Homeland Security Memorandum implementing the President’s Executive Order of January 25, has been interpreted as widening the immigrant targets for removal but, at least for now, this has not extended to DACA students and young people who were brought here at a young age by parents or guardians.  DACA is short for Deferred Action

How Will Raids on Undocumented Aliens Impact Children?

With reports spreading of arrests and raids by Homeland Security’s Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) agency concerns are being raised about the impact on children. According to the PEW Research Center, in 2012 there were 4.5 million children younger than 18 years living with at least one undocumented parents.  If both parents or a single

Possible Bipartisan Senate Support to Protect DACA Kids

One critical Executive Order that President Obama issued regarding immigration policy may garner some bipartisan support in the Senate. There were reports this week that Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) were discussing ways to protect more than 740,000 young undocumented students from any E.O. or action by incoming President Donald Trump

Brookings Brings Key Participants to Discuss TANF

On Thursday, September 22, the Brookings Institute hosted a day long discussion, The 20th anniversary of welfare reform: Lessons and takeaways., Along with the Brookings Institution, the University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. The daylong session broke out the analysis and discussion along the lines of, child well-being, marriage and families, work and poverty,

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