Infants and Toddlers

The Pandemic’s Toll on Children’s Mental Health: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

On January 11, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, Surgeon General of California, joined NPR’s Morning Edition to discuss the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of children. Dr. Burke Harris is known for her work to incorporate Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) screenings in health care settings throughout California. During her interview, Dr. Burke Harris

Legal Representation Guidelines Released

Last week, the National Association for the Counsel for Children (NACC) published recommendations on how to approach legal protections and representation for children involved in the child protective services system.  The Recommendation for Legal Representation of Children and Youth in Neglect and Abuse Proceedings.  The new recommendations were designed with NACC’s National Advisory Council on Children’s

Letter in Support of Build Back Better’s Childcare and Pre-K Investments

With the Build Back Better bill stalled in the Senate, many historic gains for children and families are now in jeopardy, including the proposed investments in child care and early education. The National Women’s Law Center, in partnership with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and other national organizations, has distributed

The Child Tax Credit: Family Impact Stories

Has the Child Tax Credit impacted your personal life or the life of a loved one? Personal stories about the direct impact of policies can be an effective strategy in advocating for change with lawmakers, because they cut to the heart of the issue in a way that data often can’t, at least not on

The Child Tax Credit: Research Roundup

The Center on Policy and Social Policy at Columbia University has released an important new report that rounds up the wide range of available research about the expanded Child Tax Credit. Since the introduction of the expanded credit in July 2021, there has been a significant amount of research conducted to measure the impact on

Build Back Better Pushed to 2022? CTC In Peril

At first talks between the President of the United States and a single senator last week did not result in an agreement on a reconciliation bill and, as a result, the legislation was delayed until January at the earliest.  That senator, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), first appeared to be taking aim at the Child Tax

FY 2022 Appropriations Extended Through February 18

The Senate agreed to a CR extension through February 18, 2022, late Thursday night (November 2) after a week of threats by some Republican senators who objected to the Biden Administration vaccination policies. The House of Representatives reached a deal to extend funding beyond January, as Democrats had originally sought, and they compromised on the

ProPublica Article Raises Concerns on “Shadow Foster Care”

On December 1, 2021, ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine published an article titled, ‘They Took Us Away From Each Other’: Lost Inside America’s Shadow Foster System” by reporter Lizzie Presser.   The article details what some have labeled diversion from foster care by using informal kinship care placements. It doesn’t question kinship care, but

House Passes Build Back Better Reconciliation

The House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act reconciliation bill (HR 5376) on Friday, November 19, 2021, after a week of waiting.  The waiting was driven by the need for a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) “score” or estimation of costs and savings. That score came back on Thursday at the expected $1.7 trillion.

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