Infants and Toddlers

Supreme Court Hears DACA

On Tuesday, November 13, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) should be upheld. Some Supreme Court observers were guessing that the Court may be leaning toward supporting the Trump Administration’s efforts to shut down the program. It can be difficult to judge how the Court will

Moving Upstream: Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect

The Children’s Trust Fund Alliance held a Congressional Briefing on Thursday, November 14, 2019, titled “Moving Upstream: What works to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect.” The panel featured LaCrisha Rose from the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council and West Virginia Circle of Parents Network, Dr. Melissa Merrick from Prevent Child Abuse America,

Vice President Pence Delivers National Adoption Month Celebration Speech

On Tuesday, November 12, Vice President Mike Pence delivered remarks at the 2019 HHS National Adoption Month Celebration. He exclaimed that the Trump Administration is the most pro-adoption (and pro-life) Administration in American history and that today’s celebration is for the many families that have opened their hearts and homes to forever families. The 2019

Voice for Adoption: 2019 Adoptive Portrait Project

On Wednesday, November 13, Voice for Adoption held the 15th annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project. The event honored families who have adopted from foster care in the United States. This year’s theme for the project was, “Family means that no one gets left behind.” Having a family is being part of a team. No child

Plans of Safe Care for Infants with Prenatal Substance Exposure

On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW) hosted a facilitated discussion with representatives from child welfare and healthcare agencies from Colorado, Delaware, and New York. The webinar provided an overview of the treatment needs of pregnant women with substance use disorders and the effects of exposure to

Partnering to Serve Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Foster Care

On Tuesday, November 12, the University Based Child and Family Policy Consortium held a webinar, “Partnering to Serve Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Foster Care in Illinois,” explained the results of the Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) Home Visiting Pilot Program. Speakers included Jaime Russell from Children’s Home and Aid and Amy Dworsky from the University

Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a new report, Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Leveraging the Best Available Evidence, last week. Research and studies have proven that ACEs is a critical public health issue. The report estimates the number of Americans that are affected by adverse childhood experiences and provides strategies for

2019 Report Card: Maternal and Child Health

On Thursday, November 7th, March of Dimes held a briefing to discuss their 2019 Annual Report Card for Maternal and Child Health. Stacey Stewart, President and CEO of March of Dimes, opened by illustrating the ongoing and growing infant and maternal health crisis in the United States today. , There are significant geographical and race

Despite Progress, Dramatic Differences in Infant Mortality Rates, Teen Pregnancy

Last week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its 42nd report on the country’s health status, Health, United States, 2018. The new report indicates progress in infant mortality and teen pregnancy rates but still highlights differences within subpopulations. While infant mortality was down by 14 percent between 2017 and 2007, the differences

AFCARS Shows Decline of Children in Foster Care

On Thursday, October 24, 2019 HHS released the 26th AFCARS Report indicating 3,788 fewer children in foster care in FY 2018 (437,283) from the 441,071 in FY 2017. The AFCARS reports are based on the number of children in the system as of the last day of the federal fiscal year, which is September 30,

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