Infants and Toddlers

CWLA Statement on Tax Legislation

The Senate and House have now approved similar tax bills. There are several provisions within this legislation that could have a major impact on children and families. CWLA is most concerned about the following: The Senate version of this legislation would undercut health insurance coverage. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 4 million people next

Its Official Foster Care Placements Continue to Jump

On Thursday, November 30, HHS released the latest data on child welfare and it now shows that there are 437,465 children in foster care as of September 30, 2016. This is the fifth straight year of increases going from 396,966 in 2012 to 437,465 in 2016. Likely the 2017 numbers are even higher. That is

HELP Committee Keeps Focus on Opioids

Shaquita Ogletree On Thursday, November 30, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing to discuss the opioid crisis and how states, communities, and providers were responding to the epidemic. Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) indicated that he hoped the Committee would take further action next year. Most of Committee members made

No Progress Update # 2 Home Visiting

  Download CWLA Advocacy App to Your Phone and Advocate on Your Own Time! Search for "votervoice" (one word) in your App store, or use one of these links: Google Play or iTunes After you download the App, you will be prompted to enter your email. A verification code will be sent to your email.

Two Tax Packages Set the Stage, Adoption Credit Survives

On Thursday, the House Ways and Means Committee approved their tax bill (HR 1) by a vote of 24-16 while the Senate unveiled the outline of their version of tax reform.  After various changes the House bill preserved the Adoption Tax Credit while the Senate bill also retains the credit in their version. Aside from

Home Visiting Still Waiting

Download CWLA Advocacy App to Your Phone and Advocate on Your Own Time!  Search for "votervoice" (one word) in your App store, or use one of these links: Google Play or iTunes After you download the App, you will be prompted to enter your email. A verification code will be sent to your email. After verifying

DACA Fix Gets Some Republican Support

On Wednesday,  the former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, authored an Op-ed Opinion in the New York Times  that ending DACA will undermine national security efforts. Gates pointed out that more than 800 Dreamers are currently serving in the armed forces.  He highlighted that between 2006 through 2011 more than 45,000 immigrants served in the

Final Commission on Opioids Report Frames a Week of Discussion

The President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioids Crisis released its final report on Wednesday, November 1.  That wasn’t the only action or debate of the week on the topic, but it was the most significant. The Commission Final Recommendations: The report includes 56 recommendations but falls short on what they might cost

New Home Visiting Research, Looking For Passage

Last week HHS released new research on the impact of the Home Visiting Coalition or Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program. The Senate has been considering a bill that would extend the program for only two years instead of the five years that advocates including CWLA have been seeking. This research can

President Continues Assault on ACA

The President on, Thursday October 12, took two actions designed to weaken the individual insurance market.  Although the first action of the day, an Executive Order to deregulate markets, drew the most initial attention, it is the second action on Cost Sharing Reductions (CRS) that could have the most immediate impact. The Executive Order is

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