Infants and Toddlers

Education and the Workforce Committee Begins Head Start Discussion

Last week the House Committee on Education and the Workforce held their first formal meeting with Congressman John Kline (R-MN) returning as the chair of that committee. As part of the committee start up, the majority staff released a discussion draft on Head Start reauthorization. In his release Chairman Kline said, "Congress has a responsibility

HHS Releases 2013 Annual Child Maltreatment Report

Last week the Children’s Bureau released the annual 2013 Child Maltreatment Report. During the year, there were an estimated 3.5 million referrals or calls to child protective services agencies. The reports of child abuse or neglect were estimated to include 6.4 million children. Of the reports, an estimated 60.8 percent were screened in, meaning they


As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s a great time for a new art project in early learning classrooms and with all your friends and neighbors! We need your help to make valentines to the U.S. Senate that highlight the importance of investing in high-quality, affordable child care. This project is part of an effort by the

HHS Report Outlines Shortfall in Health Screening (EPSDT) for Kids

This past November the Office of Inspector General at HHS issued an updated report on the challenges states are facing regarding the required health screening of children through Medicaid.  The IG report indicated that health screenings have increased (nationally) from 56 percent in 2006 to 63 percent in 2013, but also found that both ratios

White House Hold Early Childhood Summit

On Wednesday, December 10, the President focused attention on early childhood education and child care with the White House Early Learning Summit.  The goal of the event was to build on recent work by the Administration over the last several years and to hopefully build momentum around early learning and get the word out about

Funding to Address Unaccompanied Minors Crisis May Wait Until Fall Session

Congress will likely make this week their last week before they leave for the August break and that will happen regardless of the unaccompanied minor issue. Going into this week there are three general proposals: the President’s, the Senate’s and the House’s. It seems certain that none of them can garner enough votes to get

Briefing Focuses on Military Families With Infants and Toddlers

The Congressional Baby Caucus celebrated its 5th birthday with a briefing on veterans and families. The briefing was a follow up to the Caucus’s initial briefing five years ago which also focused on military families with young children. The briefing included a panel of three that included one program expert and two veterans to reflect

Commission on Child Deaths Goes to Florida

The Commission To Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities conducted a second field hearing last Thursday, July 10 when they went to Tampa Florida. The Commission heard from both Florida officials as well as national experts. Panelists included Interim Secretary Mike Carroll, Florida Department of Children and Families, Dr. Celeste Philip, Florida Department of Health,

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