Juvenile Justice

Senate Runs Into Roadblock on Trafficking-Justice Legislation

The Senate spent last week debating S 178, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act but ran into major problems. S 178 attempts to establish new funding through the use of the Crime Victims Fund to provide services to victims of all human trafficking (not limited to sex trafficking), it also creates greater law enforcement

Senate Committee Examines Human Trafficking Issues

On Tuesday February 24, the Senate Judiciary Committee considered the issue of human trafficking and two bills that approach the issue beyond what was debated within child welfare in 2014 through amendments to child welfare law. Under the hearing title, Human Trafficking in the United States: Protecting the Victim, senators focused attention on providing services,

CWLA Policy Statement: Juvenile Shackling

"[Shackles] made me feel like a chained dog that you are trying to make into something less than I am. [I] hated seeing the tears in my dad’s eyes when he saw me in cuffs.” —17- year-old boy, Arizona, September 2014 Since 1921, the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), the oldest child welfare organization

Potential Reauthorizations In This Congress

The next Congress will have the opportunity to reauthorize more than a dozen programs that have a significant impact on children but whether that happens seems less than likely.  Generally federal programs are reauthorized for periods of four to five years.  The reauthorization process is intended as a way to provide needed oversight but in

IM Issued On Cross Between Child Welfare and Runaway Youth

On November 4, the Children’s Bureau (CB) and the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) released ACYF-CB/FYSB-IM-14-1, an informational memorandum that provides oversight and guidance on youth who run from foster care and come in contact with runaway and homeless youth programs.  Noting that youth age 12 through 17 move between the two federally funded

Webinar To Explore Leveraging Social Security Title IV-E To Support Juvenile Justice Programs

On August 21, 2014, at 3 p.m. ET, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice will present“Using Title IV-E for Juvenile Justice: The Multnomah County Experience.” This Webinar will focus on how jurisdictions can leverage Title IV-E of the Social Security Act to support home- and community-based programs and services in their juvenile justice system. Participants will learn

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