
Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act Signed

On May 29, the President signed into law the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act (Public Law No: 114-22) The legislation would do several things, mainly through Department of Justice (DOJ) programs and actions. Among the provisions: imposes a federal fine of $5,000 on people convicted of slavery or trafficking, sexual abuse; sexual exploitation and

Finance Committee Examines Congregate Care

  On Tuesday, May 19, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the use of congregate care. The hearing was titled, "No Place to Grow Up: How to Safely Reduce Reliance on Foster Care Group Homes." The hearing focused on the desire to make sure that children do not grow up or stay in

Groups Release Recommendations on Protecting Children from Trauma

On Tuesday, May 20 more than a dozen groups led by Futures Without Violence released their new recommendations called, Safe, Healthy and Ready to Learn: Policy recommendations to ensure children thrive in supportive communities free from violence and trauma. The recommendations focus on seven goals: *     invest early in parents and young children; *     help

House Committee Approves Evidence-Based Commission

On Tuesday, May 19, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved legislation that would establish a congressional commission to examine how evidence and data can assist in reviewing federal programs and tax expenditures. The legislation is bipartisan and sponsored by Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WS) Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and Senator

White House Sponsors Discussion on Prevention of Foster Care

On Friday morning May 15, the White House sponsored a forum that focused attention on the topic of preventing placement of children in foster care. The discussion included more than 60 individuals representing national organizations (including the Child Welfare League of America), federal officials, state representatives and individuals affected by the child welfare system. Part

Wyden Bill Still Open For Feedback

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) is still seeking input on his draft legislation.  On Monday, May 5, Senator Wyden, the Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee released a “discussion draft” of legislation that would invest new money into child welfare services through Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.  The discussion draft  would build on

Senate Finance Hearing Adds to Collection of May Child Welfare Events

May is National Foster Care Month and as a result there have been a number of events on and around Capitol Hill focusing attention on child welfare in an effort to highlight issues around out of home care. On Tuesday the Senate Finance Committee will add to the focus by holding a hearing.  It will

Briefing Highlights Economics of Prevention

On Thursday, May 14, The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC) sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing with speakers who focused on the economics of prevention. Much of the discussion focused on the use of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) and Pay for Success (PFS) strategies including legislation to support this performance-based financing of prevention.

Wyden Bill Would Provide New Funding To Child Welfare

On Monday, May 5, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), the Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee released a “discussion draft” of legislation that would invest new money into child welfare services through Title IV-E of the Social Security Act. The discussion draft would build on the Administration’s FY 2016 budget request that seeks to expand

Letter of Support for Administration Budget Proposals

The Child Welfare League of America is part of a number of groups led by First Focus Campaign for Children, along with Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), Foster Family-based Treatment Association (FFTA), Generations United (GU), the National Foster Care Coalition, and Voice for Adoption (VFA) circulating an advocacy sign-on letter urging support for the Administration’s FY

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