
Senate CAPTA-Adoption Opportunities Reauthorizations Introduced

A reauthorization of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) S 2971 (Senator Johnny Isakson R-OK) and separate Adoption Opportunities Act Reauthorization, S 2969 (Senator Doug Jones D-AL) was introduced in the Senate on Wednesday, December 4. The bills, which will be joined together as a final package, would reauthorize the CAPTA and the

Appropriations Negotiated Under New Numbers

Shortly before Thanksgiving, the House and Senate passed a second continuing resolution that extended FY 2020 funding until December 20, 2019. Quickly after that, Senator Richard Shelby (D-AL) and Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) as respective chairs of the two appropriations committees agreed to spending allocations between the 12 appropriations bills. Since then, committees have been

Urge Your Senators to Sponsor the Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act (S. 2803)

On November 18, 2019, the Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act (HR 4300) passed unanimously in the House of Representatives. Shortly after the passage, Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced the companion bill in the Senate and hopes to pass it by unanimous consent next week. We need your help! Urge your Senators

Grassley-Widen Introduce Prescription Drug Bill with Family First Provisions

Late on Friday Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) released their bill, “Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act.” It includes provisions identical to the Family First Transition Act—the bill that would provide $500 million to states to help implement the Family First Act. The bill also extends home visiting programs for two years.

Administration Publishes Rule Change on Discrimination in Use of HHS Funds

Following up on a Friday, November 1, press announcement, on Tuesday, November 19, HHS published both their notice of non-enforcement of anti-discrimination provisions implemented during the Obama Administration and a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the Obama nondiscrimination regulation regarding federal funding under HHS programs including child welfare funding under Title IV-E and Title IV-E.

30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights

Wednesday, November 20 marked the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the world’s most ratified international human rights treaty. The CRC’s recommendation are incorporated into practice through CWLA’s National Blueprint Standards of Excellence, which plays a role in improving the lives of children and their

The Family Unification Program & Housing for Foster Youth

On Monday, November 18, the House passed the Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act (FSHO) (H.R. 4300) by unanimous consent. Congressman Mike Turner (R-OH) stated that this is a “bill of the heart and that he is looking forward to working with his colleagues in the Senate to ensure this bill becomes law and that aging

Supreme Court Hears DACA

On Tuesday, November 13, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) should be upheld. Some Supreme Court observers were guessing that the Court may be leaning toward supporting the Trump Administration’s efforts to shut down the program. It can be difficult to judge how the Court will

Moving Upstream: Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect

The Children’s Trust Fund Alliance held a Congressional Briefing on Thursday, November 14, 2019, titled “Moving Upstream: What works to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect.” The panel featured LaCrisha Rose from the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council and West Virginia Circle of Parents Network, Dr. Melissa Merrick from Prevent Child Abuse America,

Voice for Adoption: 2019 Adoptive Portrait Project

On Wednesday, November 13, Voice for Adoption held the 15th annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project. The event honored families who have adopted from foster care in the United States. This year’s theme for the project was, “Family means that no one gets left behind.” Having a family is being part of a team. No child

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