
Plans of Safe Care for Infants with Prenatal Substance Exposure

On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW) hosted a facilitated discussion with representatives from child welfare and healthcare agencies from Colorado, Delaware, and New York. The webinar provided an overview of the treatment needs of pregnant women with substance use disorders and the effects of exposure to

Budget Likely Extended Until Late December

Congress is expected to extend the FY 2020 funding until December 20, 2019. The current continuing resolution (CR) expires at the end of the day on November 21. The House is expected to act on the extension this week with the Senate likely to follow before the November cut-off. It is hoped that the added

Family First Transition Act Introduced

Last week S. 2777 and H.R. 4980, the Family First Transition Act was introduced in both houses with bipartisan support. CWLA has endorsed the legislation. The two identical bills will provide $500 million to all states and jurisdictions distributed under Title IV-B, part 1 formula. States will have two years (retroactive to October 1, 2019)

Administration Drops Enforcement of Nondiscrimination Protections in Foster Care/Adoption

On Friday, November 1, HHS announced a “notice of exercise of enforcement discretion” along with an unpublished notice of proposed rulemaking to say that they would not enforce nondiscrimination rules or regulations except those specifically passed in law or ruled on by the Supreme Court. In effect, they won’t enforce the Obama era nondiscrimination rules

Bipartisan Bill to Promote Stable Housing for Foster Youth

The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee held a hearing on Thursday, November 7, 2019, to “give the affordable housing crisis in this country the attention it deserves,” stated Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH). The hearing was to examine three bipartisan bills on affordable housing access and safety, including S.2803, Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act

House Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Juvenile Justice & Child Welfare Bill

On Wednesday, October 30, Congressman David Schweikert (R-AZ) and Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (D-CA) introduced bipartisan and bicameral legislation, the Childhood Outcomes Need New Efficient Community Teams or CONNECT Act, H.R. 4911. This legislation would provide competitive grants that would enhance the collaboration between both the child welfare and the juvenile justice system to collaborate on

DC Becomes First State with Approved Family First Plan

On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, the District of Columbia became the first state to have their Family First Prevention Plan, “Putting Families First in DC,” approved by the Children’s Bureau under the federal Family First Prevention Services Act. . DC was the first jurisdiction to submit their plan. Arkansas, Kentucky, and Utah plans are pending


November is National Adoption Month—a time to recognize the importance of family and lift up the voices of youth in foster care. This National Adoption Month, we’re joining the Every Child Deserves a Family campaign to advocate for an end to discrimination in child welfare. Too often, youth in care are denied loving, identity-affirming homes

CBO Projects Deficits Just Under $1 Trillion

While general budget talks continued last week, it comes against a backdrop of increasing budget shortfalls. In early October 2019, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected its near-final report on the 2019 federal budget deficit. The deficit rose to just under $1 trillion for the fiscal year that ended on September 30, with the total

The High Price of Child Care

In the United States, the high price of child care remains a burden on many American families, regardless of marital status and income. This is extremely troubling considering the benefits of high-quality child care to parents and caregivers and their children. On October 23, 2019 Child Care Aware® of America held a briefing on their

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