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Even If Speaker Leaves Entitlement Cuts/ Welfare Reform Still Next

The publication, Politico made news this week with a profile piece that reported that Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) will retire after this Congress.  There have been some denials although the profile painted a portrait of a Speaker who wants to exit politics soon.  If that is the case it is not expected that Ryan will

New Interdepartmental Committee on Mental Health Issues Rec’s

As a result of last year’s 21st Century Cures Act, a new Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC) has issued its set of recommendations. The full report: The Way Forward: Federal Action for a System That Works for All People Living With SMI and SED and Their Families and Caregivers addresses how the government

Calls to Fully Fund Child Care Reforms

A new letter in support of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) call for a doubling child care funding is now circulating. CWLA has signed onto the appropriations request in an effort to highlight the dramatic unmet need. The funding request would increase appropriated child care funding by $2.9 billion, a doubling of current appropriations. In 2014

Congress Extends Funding Until December 22

Congress made quick action of a two-week continuing resolution (CR) on Thursday, December 7, extending FY 2018 funding to December 22, 2017.  Kicking the proverbial can down the road, congressional leaders now have two more weeks to negotiate a laundry list of items that were supposed to be completed last September 30. The House approved

Speaker Says Entitlement Cuts and “Welfare Reform” Next

Building on earlier comments by the President, on Wednesday, December 6, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) said, “We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit.” The irony of the remarks appears to be missed by many congressional leaders who are drafting a

Tax Bill Negotiations Continue

The House and Senate set up a Conference Committee to resolve differences formally, but the actual meeting of this Committee is unlikely to be where real decisions are made. A Conference Committee includes membership from both houses and both parties but when they do meet it will be likely to be to approve what has

Every Child Deserves a Family Campaign Begins

On Monday, December 4, the Every Child Deserves a Family Campaign was launched to promote best interests of all children in foster and adoption systems.  The campaign is headed up by the Family Equality Council and includes a coalition of nearly two dozen founding organizations including the Child Welfare League of America. The goal of

DACA Fate Tied with Year End Deals

As leaders met at the White House it became no clearer whether young people effected by the President’s repeal of DACA will get relief by the end of 2017.  On Tuesday, December 5 a letter was sent to the Speaker by 34 House Republicans calling for action on DACA by the end of this year. 

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