Older Youth

Decisions to Be Made on Biden COVID-19 Relief Legislation

One of the first critical decisions that will have to be worked out over the next several days is how President Biden will get his COVID-19 proposal through Congress. As a veteran senator who was also key to many of the Obama Administration’s congressional negotiations, he has raised hopes for bipartisan action, but that would

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. This is a key time for us all to educate ourselves about human trafficking and to develop comprehensive responses that assist victims and potential victims. The Children’s Bureau has updated their States Statutes guide with the latest information for each state's and territory’s trafficking laws for

Achieving Permanency for the Well-being of Children and Youth

The Children’s Bureau released new IM regarding “Achieving Permanency for the Well-Being of Children and Youth” on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, signed by Commissioner Elizabeth Darling. The IM purposes were the following: To provide information on best practices, resources, and recommendations for achieving permanency for children and youth in a way that prioritizes the child’s

The 2021 CWLA Transition Proposal

CWLA has published its transition paper for the new Administration and new Congress. The report has been circulated with key staff over the past several weeks. It reflects a look forward to improving child welfare services and more broadly strengthening families across the country. This A Stronger Foundation for America’s Families reflects the collective wisdom, insights, and concerns

The Last COVID Bill and the Next

At the end of last month, President Donald J Trump signed into law a $908 billion relief package in the larger omnibus budget legislation. Still, the President-elect has indicated they would be seeking additional help for a country devastated by a pandemic that is trending toward more than 400,000 to over a half million fatalities

DOE Letter on Foster Care

On Monday, January 4, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education’s (DOE) Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) issued a letter regarding State Educational Agencies (SEAs) responsibilities in supporting students in foster care. In acknowledging that during the pandemic students and families have been challenged over the past nine months, the Director stated that students

WEBINAR: The Multiethnic Placement Act and Transracial Adoption 25 Years Later

On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST, CWLA invites you to hear about a new suite of reports being released by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Research and Evaluation at US DHHS on findings from 25 years of the Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) and transracial adoptions.  Register here.   Researched approximately

Senate Releases FY 2021 Appropriations

On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, the Senate Appropriations Committee released a full package of 12 appropriations bills nearly a month before the temporary funding for fiscal year 2021 runs out. Last week Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had agreed to complete the FY 2021 appropriations with an omnibus

Experiences of LGBTQAI+ Youth in Foster Care in New York City

The New York Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) commissioned a survey of the LGBTQAI+ youth in the New York City foster care system on their experiences and well-being compared to their peers who are not LGBTAI+. The report states that LGBTQAI+ “comprises persons who because of their gender and sexuality have specific needs and are treated

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