Older Youth

Waiting on House to Pass Child Protection

Advocates are awaiting action on either Monday or Tuesday for House passage of S 534, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act. The Senate acted on the compromise bill on November 14, after negotiations with key House members. The legislation, which has had the active support of CWLA, was originally

Immigration Breakthrough or Not?

On Thursday the Trump Administration released an overall proposal on DACA and immigration as their bottom line. In some respects it opened up the possibility of expanded protection for children and young adults now protected or potentially protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals but it may come with a hefty-unpaid for wall funding

Letter Calling on Homeland Security to Protect Families, Still Open for Signatures

Last Tuesday, in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen flatly refused to rule out a policy of parent-child separation in order to deter migration to the United States. CWLA joined more than 130 organizations asking Secretary Nielsen to abandon any plans to separate children from their parents when

Washington Marching Toward Another Budget Deadline

Today (Tuesday, January 16) marks the 108th day of the FY 2018 fiscal year without a budget and it looks that that number will continue to increase by this time next week. Even if there is a deal this week it will require a fourth CR to allocate whatever funds that are agreed upon. That

DACA and Immigration Flashpoints

The week started with a bipartisan meeting at the White House on DACA and immigration issues in what can only be described as a meeting of mixed messages as the President bounced between various congressional members and their very different positions on the two issues. Ultimately the one thing that was taken away from the

CWLA Joins Groups Calling on Homeland Security to Protect Families

As reported during the December holidays, there is concern that the Administration is seeking to split up families at the boarder using child separation as a deterrent. CWLA has joined onto a joint letter by concerned groups in calling on Homeland Security to reject such policies. The new administration policy would allow for a policy

Medicaid Work Requirements for Foster Youth?

The Administration followed up on earlier reports of new work requirements under Medicaid. On Thursday, January 11, CMS unveiled guidance allowing states for the first time in Medicaid’s 52 year history to impose work requirements on people who are covered by Medicaid health insurance. Some groups are exempt such as pregnant women, disabled and elderly

DACA Fate Closer to March Presidential E.O.

T here were White House talks on a DACA replacement last week but it was unclear what progress was made on replacing the Obama-era Executive Order (E.O) on the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Democrats are making sounds that a DACA fix must be part of a deal done this month.

Juvenile Justice Agency Gets New Leader

In case you missed it, during the December holidays, (December 18, 2017), the White House announced the appointment of Caren Harp as the new head of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) in the Justice Department. The position does not require Senate confirmation. Harp is currently a professor at Liberty University School

CHIP Reauthorization

The CR includes a temporary patch for the CHIP program. The $2.8 billion is intended as an extension that would shore up states through March 2018. Critics question whether funding will last that long. It is expected that 2 million kids will continue coverage because of the small patch. Several states have been sending out

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