Older Youth

Senate Repeals Set of Education Regulations

Efforts to better coordinate access to education for children and youth in foster care may have suffered a setback last week Thursday.  The Senate approved a roll-back of Obama Administration regulations to implement the new education law. The regulations covered numerous parts of the newly reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education ACT (ESEA).  In part the

Groups From All 50 States Support SSBG

A coalition group including CWLA has sent Capitol Hill an updated letter of support of SSBG on Thursday.  The letter includes more than 75 national organizations and organizations and agencies from all fifty states. CWLA has created a new resource on the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). The new resource are state-by-state fact sheets found

Senate Judiciary Focuses on Juvenile Justice

On Tuesday, February 28, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on juvenile justice issues.  The hearing began with remarks by the Chairman, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), who in his opening statement,  discussed the fact that last year he, along with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) crafted a bill that garnered bipartisan support to reauthorize the

Leaked Copy of House ACA Repeal Outlines Medicaid Caps-Tax Credits

Over the weekend a leaked copy of a draft ACA repeal bill was made public by Politico magazine.  The bill draft would implement some of the general descriptions Speaker Paul Ryan outlined in a white paper the week before and like that white paper it leaves questions to be answered on how the bill will

Resources To Improve Education and Foster Care Status

The Legal Center for Foster Care & Education  has created a guide and factsheet, Roadmap for Foster Care and K–12 Data Linkages, that promotes the cooperation between state and local education and child welfare agencies in the sharing of data.  The Center points out that by sharing data, child welfare and education agencies can work

President’s Harsh Immigration Actions Leaves Window Dreamers—for Now

The Homeland Security Memorandum implementing the President’s Executive Order of January 25, has been interpreted as widening the immigrant targets for removal but, at least for now, this has not extended to DACA students and young people who were brought here at a young age by parents or guardians.  DACA is short for Deferred Action

GAO Reviews State Efforts on Psychotropic Medication Use For Foster Children

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released a new report on foster care and oversight of prescription drug medication. The report, HHS Has Taken Steps to Support States’ Oversight of Psychotropic Medications, but Additional Assistance Could Further Collaboration, as the title suggests indicates more needs to be done in terms of the overuse and prescribing

Presidential Order Could Allow Discrimination in Placement of Children

The Trump Administration may be getting ready to issue an executive order that will “respect religious freedom” and could be so broad that it will allow the discrimination in the placement of children in adoptive, foster and kinship placements. It would extend these provisions beyond religious or faith based agencies to “any organization” including for-profit

DACA Not on Table in President’s First Actions on Immigration

Last week President Trump began to address some of his immigration priorities through several executive orders.  So far he has not taken action on DACA or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The executive orders can only go so far before Congress’s approval is needed to change laws but one of the powers the President

Poll Supports Federal Funding of Contraception and Health Information

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy released a new poll that shows three-quarters of adults (including 66% of Republicans and 84% of Democrats) support Title X, the federal program that provides free or low-cost birth control to those making $30,000 a year or less. The poll also shows that 85% of adults

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