Older Youth

CWLA Submits Comments On Education-Foster Care Regulations

CWLA submitted comments to the Department of Education on proposed regulations of the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) before the due date of Monday, August 1. The Proposed regulations,  which garnered more than 20,000 comments,  implement Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), focused generally on the broader accountability requirements in ESSA but in

CCAI Interns Offer Legislative Proposals to Washington Policymakers

On Tuesday, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) held their annual unveiling of their policy report.  The report and the panel of speakers are the result of the 2016 CCAI Foster Youth Internship Program® class. The policy report, Powerful Voices: Sharing Our Stories to Reform Child Welfare includes 22 policy recommendation by the 12

CWLA Endorses Bill to Coordinate Juvenile Justice-Child Welfare Link

On Wednesday, July 13 a bipartisan bill was introduced by Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) and Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) to encourage coordination between state child welfare and juvenile justice systems in addressing the needs of vulnerable youth caught between the two systems. The Childhood Outcomes Need New Efficient Community Teams (Connect Act) would authorize grants

New Evidence On Effectiveness Of Teen Pregnancy Prevention

On Friday the Office on Adolescent Health (OAH) released the results of 41 rigorous evaluations on the effectiveness of teen pregnancy prevention programs.  The studies, 90 percent of which were randomized controlled trials between 2010 through 2015, is expected to offer a significant contribution to the field’s knowledge of where, when, and with whom programs

Families First Status Discussions Continue

Holding Pattern in Senate Last week efforts to adopt the House version of the Family First Prevention Services Act, (HR 5456) (Conference Report 114-628) continued but success has stalled—at least temporarily.  By week’s end the only thing that was clear is that they had not yet reached unanimous support for the bill and passing it. 

Coalition Launches Effort to Assist Homeless Youth Avoid JJ

The Coalition on Juvenile Justice has launched Collaborating for Change: Addressing Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice, a project with two main goals: to decrease the likelihood that homeless youth become involved with the juvenile justice system; and to prevent youth homelessness among justice-involved youth. The project is a collaboration between the Coalition and with project partners, the National

Education-HHS Offer Guidance on Foster Care student Access to Education

On Thursday the Education Department and HHS issued guidance, Non-Regulatory Guidance:  Ensuring Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care  that is intended to help implement new provisions of the reauthorized Education and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that seek to protect the education access for student who are also in foster care.  The guidance includes 40

Homeless Youth Talk About Their School Challenges

On Monday, June 13 a group of advocates and organizations led by the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)  hosted a forum to discuss the challenges of homeless students in America’s public schools. Under the federal McKinney-Vento Education Act there is a small amount of money in the federal budget

Families First Child Welfare Bill Released, Goal To Move Quickly

Late Friday afternoon a group of House and Senate Republicans and Democrats released the, Family First Prevention Act along with a summary.  The legislation includes three overarching pieces: a reauthorization of the Title IV-B programs (Promoting Safe and Stable Families, Child Welfare Services), new definitions of foster care including greater oversight and limitations of residential/institutional

GAO Report Highlights Ed Problems For Foster Homeless Youth

The resource kit released by the Education Department follows a report by the GAO earlier this month, Actions Needed to Improve Access to Federal Financial Assistance for Homeless and Foster Youth (GAO-16-343: May 19, 2016) that program rules can make it more difficult for unaccompanied homeless youth (those not in the physical custody of a

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