House Moves Adoption-Child Welfare Bill, Senate Finalization This Week

On Wednesday, July 23, the House of Representatives passed HR 4980, the “Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act.’ The legislation will reauthorize the Adoption Incentive Fund for three years and extend it to guardianship placements. It will also extend the Family Connections Grants by one year through this current fiscal year of 2014. After

Senate Finance Committee Adopts Bill on Adoption Incentives, Trafficking

On Thursday, December 12, the Senate Finance Committee passed the “Supporting At-Risk Children Act of 2013.” The legislation bundled together a reauthorization of the adoption incentives fund, new legislative language to address domestic sex trafficking through child welfare, and provisions that deal with child support collection including provisions to address international treaties. The adoption incentives

CMS Issues Final Rule on the ACA and Foster Care

On July 5th, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule implementing provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) including Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility, benefits, and enrollment rules. While the final rule does not cover all of the topics in theproposed rule issued in February, it does focus on the

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