
Brookings Study Examines Impact of Opioids on Child Education Outcomes

A new report and paper through the Bookings Institute, The opioid crisis and community-level spillovers onto children’s education, outlines how the impact of opioids has altered education outcomes for children in communities hit by the drug crisis. The authors set out to determine, “What is the effect on children’s learning while being embedded in a

Children, Detention Centers, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the current national emergency, there are more vulnerable groups children who may have been forgotten—youth in the child welfare system and youth in the juvenile justice system. As this pandemic creates health and economic challenges it is important that we do not forget about children currently in juvenile detention facilities. Advocates like the National

Senator Brown Discuss Child Welfare Issues on Facebook Live

In a 6-minute daily update, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) interviewed Robin Reese, the Executive Director of Lucas County Children Services. Reese shared that abuse and neglect calls were decreasing, but children are no longer seeing mandated reports like teachers. Social workers in her county were able to get PPE, but it’s difficult for them

CWLA Books for Children, Parents, and Child Welfare Professionals During Uncertain Times

All parts of the child welfare continuum—child and family serving organizations, social workers, parents, kinship caregivers, adoptive or foster parents, and children themselves—have been fundamentally impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Several CWLA Press titles speak to managing stress and crisis situations; empowering children, youth, and those in the child welfare field; and maintaining safety

Children’s Bureau Delays IV-E & NYTD Reviews

On Friday, April 10, the Children’s Bureau released a letter from Jerry Milner suspending the Title IV-E Eligibility and National Youth in Transition (NYTD) reviews in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Milner stated the following: “Dear Child Welfare Leader: Over the past several weeks, I have had the opportunity to speak with many of you

COVID-19 Immediate Needs for Child Welfare in Fourth Package

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to move across this country, the evidence of its impacts on the child welfare system are increasingly becoming visible: Child welfare offices and agencies have been forced to shut their doors in order to prevent staff members from becoming ill or because staff have tested positive for

COVID Impact on African Americans Highlight Racial Disparities in Society

According to a Washington Post more in-depth analysis based on earlier CDC information, the coronavirus "appears to be infecting and killing black Americans at a disproportionately high rate." As of April 9, 2020, 14,696 people have died from COVID-19 related infections. The Post reported that African Americans "have three times the rate of infections and

Talk of Raising Small Business/Charitable Loans

On Tuesday, April 7, the Administration requested another $250 billion for the Small Business Loans that just opened a little more than a week ago. The forgiveness loans are open to small businesses of less than 500 employees. SBA loans are available to nonprofit organizations. There has been significant confusion and even frustration as loan

“Heroes Fund” Would Increase Pay to Essential Workers

Senate Democrats unveiled a "Heroes Fund" on Tuesday, April 7. The legislation, announced by Minority Leader Schumer, would create a federally funded program that would allow a $25,000 premium pay increase for essential workers. It would also pay for a $15,000 worker recruitment incentive grant to workers. According to information provided by bill sponsors, employers

New York State Flow Chart on Unemployment Compensation

New York State has created a flow chart that can help unemployed persons understand the routes to unemployment compensation. In non-economic crisis times, the unemployment system is funded, and systems are run by the individual states with the federal government assisting in some of the administrative costs. In times of economic stress, the federal government,

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