
Paid Leave Would Cut Health Care Costs

New research, Paid Leave Would Cut Healthcare Costs, by the National Partnership for Women and Families, argues that a paid family and medical leave bill will save the economy over $64 billion if it becomes law. The House Ways and Means Committee version of the proposal would create a national paid family and medical leave

Finance Committee Still Collecting Rec’s on Mental Health/Substance Use

The Senate Finance Committee is asking for public comments on ways to address substance use and mental health services due to last week’s faulty link in the Children’s Monitor you can link to the full letter: here.  Committee is asking members of the behavior health community and other interested parties about how the committee can

Senate Committee Focuses on Violence Against Women Act

On October 5, 2021, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco, the witness for the hearing. Prior to questioning, Chairman Durbin emphasized the importance of the reauthorization of the law as the pandemic has created an increase in

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month began as a “Day of Unity” in October of 1981 created by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). In 1987, “Day of Unity” evolved into the observation of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, created to “connect and unite individuals and organizations working on domestic violence issues while raising awareness for those issues.”   In 1989, a congressional resolution was passed to officially honor

Webinar On the Child Tax Credit and Child Welfare

On Monday, September 27th, CWLA hosted a Child Tax Credit (CTC) webinar that was sponsored by the Coalition on Human Needs (CHN). In the webinar Debbie Weinstein, the executive director of the Coalition of Human Needs, explored the benefits, logistics, challenges, and eligibility for the Child Tax Credit.   In March 2021, The American Rescue

Senate Committee Looking for Recommendations on Mental Health Substance Use Issues

On September 21,2021 the Senate Finance Committee asked the public for their comments on ways to address substance use and mental health services.  In the letter Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID) asked members of the behavior health community and other interested parties about how the committee can best address

Strategies to Improve Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Care

In drafting comments on how we can improve behavior health services for children, youth, and their families (especially child welfare) there are some important sources of recommendations Earlier this year, Child Trends issued:  A National Agenda for Children’s Mental Health.   The paper says that “Efforts to promote children’s mental health are often spread across

Bipartisan House Group Unveils Agenda: Substance Use and Mental Health

On Wednesday, September 29, 2021, the House of Representative Bipartisan Addiction and Mental Health Task Force Announced a 2021 Legislative Agenda. According to the group led by Congresswoman Annie Kuster (D-NH), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), David Trone (D-MD), and Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA).  Congresswoman Kuster announced the agenda that includes more than 60 separate bills, outlines

Davis-Walorsky Commit to Helping Foster Youth

When the CR was passed last Thursday, it did not extend pandemic relief funding for youth exiting foster care including additional $400 million in Chafee-pandemic relief funding (annual mandatory Chaffee funds are set at $143 million).  The addition $400 million expired at the end of fiscal year 2021. It is not clear how much of

How New Data Shows a Pathway for Poverty

On September 28, 2021, First Focus on Children and the U.S. Child Poverty Action Group held a webinar to examine what the new US Census Bureau data tells us about the impact of COVID-19 on child poverty, and the importance of action from Congress. There are two different ways the Census Bureau measures poverty in

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