
New Foundation Seeks to Address Child Abuse Prevention

The National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect held a press conference on Tuesday, September 25, at the National Press Club to announce their formation and the kick off of their campaign to take on child abuse. The foundation’s goal is to support the growth of research, training and prevention programs through a developing

House and Senate Agrees to Opioids Legislation

The House and Senate agreed to the Substance Use–Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act’’ or the ‘‘SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act’’ or HR 6. The House has passed the bill and left town until November. The Senate is expected to take up the bill this week. In

IG Report: Treatment Planning & Medication Monitoring Lacking Foster Care

A new report by the HHS Inspector General (IG), released last week, Treatment Planning and Medication Monitoring Were Lacking for Children in Foster Care Receiving Psychotropic Medication was critical of health care services and treatment of children in foster care as it relates to the use of psychotropic medication. The report by the in-house investigator

NIH Focus: Alcohol Use Disorder Still Significant Issue

Shaquita Ogletree The NIH hosted a special screening on Tuesday, September 18, in Washington on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) based on an HBO Documentary, Risky Drinking. The documentary is a product of Oscar and Emmy winner Ellen Goosenberg Kent and journalist/producer Perri Peltz and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) of the

Senate to Take Up Delayed Vote on Opioids This Week

The Senate delayed a vote on an opioids package of legislation until this week. The Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018, addresses a range of programs and agencies, sometimes building on 2016 Congressional action though the CARA and CURES acts of that year. Senators had intended to debate the bill on Thursday but put off

Limits on Medication-Assisted Drug Treatment for Youth Despite Benefits

Last week the Journal of the American Medical Association -Pediatrics (JAMA-Pediatrics) published research that indicated youth with an opiods-use disorder are less likely to receive medication-assisted treatment despite its positive effect in encouraging on-going substance abuse treatment. The research, Receipt of Timely Addiction Treatment and Association of Early Medication Treatment with Retention in Care among

Senate Caucus Briefing on Interventions that Prevent Foster Care Placements

Shaquita Ogletree On Wednesday, September 12, the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth hosted a congressional briefing on effective interventions that are working to keep children and families intact and preventing entry into foster care. The panel included a discussion by Christen Glickman and Jessica Wooten from Youth Village, Chelsea Geyer and Ms. U from DC127,

Administration Seeks Elimination of Child Immigrant Protections

On Friday, September 7, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a federal register notice that proposes, through the regulation process, to amend a court agreement relating to the apprehension, processing, care, custody, and release of children detained at the U.S. border. The notice, Apprehension, Processing,

Opioids Bills Still Waiting

The Senate has been struggling to move their opiods legislation, but the hope is it will finally move this week. When they do its passage is to set the stage for a mega-negotiation with the House. Back in the spring there had been a hope that there would be movement on another opiods abuse bill

Senate Adopts Defense-Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations

On Thursday, August 23, the Senate passed H.R. 6157 an $857 billion appropriations package that combines the Defense Department appropriations with the Labor-HHS-Education appropriations. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 85 to 7. Now the bill will likely go to a House-Senate conference committee where they will have to act fast before

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