
Opioids Forum on the Hill by the Hill

On Wednesday, February 14 of The Hill newspaper sponsored another forum on “Americas Opioid Epidemic.” Some of the featured speakers included Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and Congressman David Joyce (R-OH). In addition, participants heard from Surgeon General Jerome Adams. Senator Whitehouse, who has played a prominent role in crafting some of the recent legislation around both

Congressional Baby Caucus: Invest in Language Early

Macey Shabery Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Rep. Chuck Fleishmann (R-TN) convened a Congressional Baby Caucus briefing on Thursday February 15. The briefing centered on how babies learn language, the importance of exposing babies to “conversational duets” (talking to your child about everyday tasks and regularly communicating with them) and sign language. Dr. Roberta Golinkoff

Child Care Advocacy Rewarded With Major Increase

As part of the CR/budget deal, the child care community had one of their most significant victories since the creation of the CCDBG in 1990. Congress still has to finalize the appropriations, so there could still be challenges, but the deal explicitly included a $5.8 billion increase in child care funding with an expected split

Opioid Funding Increased, Senate HELP Committee & GAO Sound Off

When the CR/budget deal was agreed to it included a commitment to provide $6 billion more in 2018 and 2019 to address the opioid epidemic. It is unclear how that will break out between treatment, enforcement and prevention but that will be taking place in these next several weeks as appropriations are dealt with. Senator

SAMSHA Clinical Guidance on Pregnant and Parenting Women With OUD

  In response to demands for more support on dealing with the increasing numbers of infants born dependent, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) has released a new comprehensive guide, Clinical Guidance for Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women With Opioid Use Disorder and Their Infants. The guide provides comprehensive, national guidance for

Home Visiting Extended for Five Years

  As part of the CR/budget deal, Congress has finally extended the home visiting or Maternal, Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) for a full five years. It has been a long haul for the home visiting coalition which originally sought a doubling of funding over five years. With the raging budget and health care

New Child Maltreatment Report Shows Continued Increase

  The latest data from HHS through the annual Child Maltreatment report indicates that the number of children substantiated as abused or neglected was 676,000 in 2016 compared to 683,000 in 2015. Consistent with the past several years the vast majority of children were victims of neglect (74.8 percent) compared to physical abuse (18.2 percent)

Congress Passes Olympic Athlete Child Abuse Protection Bill

On Tuesday January 30, the Senate gave final approval to a bill to protect Olympic athletes from potential abuse by toughening requirements on the US Olympic Committee and by increasing protection for survivors. The House acted on a modified version of S 534, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act

Report Cites Progress From Fatality Commission

Two groups have released a new report evaluating the impact of the work of the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities (CECANF). The report by Within Our Reach and the Children’s Advocacy Institute and funded by Casey Family Programs found dozens of changes in policy and law directly reflecting the recommendations included in

Juvenile Justice Coalition Looking for Sign-On to Letter

Shaquita Ogletree The Act 4 JJ Campaign is circulating a letter to Congress urging members to protect children and youth in the justice system and pass the federal juvenile justice bill ---Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention Act (JJDPA). The law has not been reauthorized since 2002. JJDPA supports efforts across the nation and helps young

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