
A Third of Trans Youth At Risk of Losing Gender-Affirming Care: Study

Attempts to ban transgender minors from accessing gender-affirming medical care are putting tens of thousands of young people at risk. The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law reported that “more than 54,000 transitioning transgender youth ages 13 through 17 are at risk of losing access to gender-affirming medical care.” As of Friday, about

Findings from NIHCM Show Effects of Pandemic on Youth Mental Health

Recent data from the National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation has given us new insights into the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health. When compared to data from 2019, the proportion of pediatric emergency department visits doubled among adolescent females with eating disorders and tripled for adolescent females with

State-level Child Welfare Data Updated

Child Trends released its newly updated state by state data on Child Welfare in the United States. Now including 2020 data, this comprehensive resource offers state- and national-level data on child maltreatment, foster care, kinship care, and adoption through interactive features. Highlights from the national data indicates that the number of reports of maltreatment decreased

New Survey Highlights Importance of Renewing Child Nutrition Waivers

In November 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) conducted the School Food Authority (SFA) Survey on Supply Chain Disruptions to better understand the impact on school nutrition programs. The survey found that 92 percent of schools reported experiencing challenges due to supply chain disruptions. The most frequently cited challenges include

Affordable Care Act Increased Insurance Rates for Black Americans

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the percentage of Black Americans who lack medical insurance has fallen significantly with the percentage of Black Americans who were uninsured decreasing by 8 percentage points from 2011 to 2019. Unfortunately, when compared to White populations, percentages of Black Americans uninsured are still comparatively high. Further, this

Study Finds 5.2 Million Children Orphaned by Covid in Hidden Pandemic

The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health estimates in a new modeling study that more than 5.2 million children globally have lost their parents or caregivers to COVID-19 through October 2021, equating to 1 child every 6 seconds. The study found more fathers than mothers died, and adolescents were more likely to be orphaned than younger

Primary Interventions Reduce Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Among Youth

A new publication from the Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends primary preventive services that reduce the perpetration of intimate partner violence and sexual violence among youth. Based on a systematic review of 28 studies, the CPSTF found evidence that prevention strategies that utilized one or more of three strategies were successful in reducing

3.7 Million More Children in Poverty in Jan 2022 Without Monthly Child Tax Credit

Researchers at Columbia University’ Center on Poverty & Social Policy have been tracking the impact of the CTC on child poverty monthly. According to a research roundup on the first six months of the CTC, payments were shown to reduce food insufficiency, help families address basic needs, and had no discernable impact on parental employment.

Study Provides Evidence on the Effectiveness of Comprehensive Sex Ed

New research published last week on February 15, 2022, More comprehensive sex education reduced teen births: Quasi-experimental evidence, provided further evidence that comprehensive sex education does have an impact on reducing teen pregnancy in the United States. The authors of the study state, “Our results show that federal funding for more comprehensive sex education reduced

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