Senate Legislation

What is in the IV-B Reauthorizations

The two Title IV-B programs along with the adoption and kinship incentive fund expire on October 1, 2016 and so they need to be reauthorized either through the Families First Act or or another measure which could include a short term extensions included any CR.  A CR however may just extend the program for a

TANF Block Grant At Twenty

Monday, August 22 represents something of an anniversary.  It will be twenty years since the enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, PL 104-193, more commonly referred to as “TANF.”  TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) converted the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, which had provided an

Study Shows Potential Expanded Coverage & Revenue For States Under ACA

A new study by the Urban Institute, The Cost to States of Not Expanding Medicaid indicates that states could leverage a significant amount of funding by expanding health care services through the ACA while expanding insurance coverage by 4 to 5 million people.  The ACA expanded Medicaid coverage to people at 138 percent of poverty. 

Could Budget Reforms Restore Appropriations In 115th Congress?

When the 115th Congress begins next January less than fifteen percent of Congress will include members that had been through a complete and on-time appropriations process. Depending on the election results, combined with announced retirements, members that had been in office when appropriations was on time (1996) will dwindle to at least 11 percent in

Plenary Sessions Outline the challenges and Needed Responses

More than 550 attendees at the CWLA Conference were welcomed by opening remarks of Commissioner Rafael Lopez, Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), HHS.  Lopez offered praise to the many participants made up of state and local agencies and service providers.  In his first day comments he said that what was most important and

Families First Act Gets Attention At CWLA Conference & By Bill Sponsors

Talking about the need for greater access to needed services for families, on both Monday and Tuesday’s plenary sessions Commissioner Rafael Lopez noted the significance of the Family First Prevention Services Act, (HR 5456) (Conference Report 114-628).  Lopez highlighted in his Tuesday luncheon remarks how the current opioid crisis is not new but just different

Discussion on Plans of Safe Care

The “CARA” legislation under title five includes amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) regarding a plan of safe care for infants exposed to substances.  It does not reauthorize CAPTA but amends current provisions around a plan of safe care. The plan of safe care for infants requires a state that receives

Child Care Advocates Seek Funding While State Needs Waivers Due to Lack of Funding

--WE WILL BE BACK NEXT ON AUGUST 8--   During the summer break child care advocates will be seeking more child care funding in an effort to make progress on implementing the new mandates enacted through a reauthorization of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG).  The 2014 reauthorization sought to improve the quality

Details on CARA Act-Drug Legislation

The final conference report on the “CARA” legislation includes changes under nine titles.  Its emphasis, unlike past anti-drug initiatives, is more on prevention and treatment. It is a distance from some of the efforts of the 1980s when crack-cocaine was attracting all the attention in regard to substance use.  Actions then and into the 1990s

Families First Doesn’t Get Vote As Congress Leaves

Wait Until September Congress left last week to start one of their longest summer breaks in decades.  As they departed they were unable to get final action on the Family First Prevention Services Act, (HR 5456) (Conference Report 114-628).  The legislation has been endorsed by CWLA. All week long, bill sponsors had attempted to reach

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