Senate Legislation

New FAFSA Policies for Homeless and Foster Youth

On Thursday, February 4, SchoolHouse Connection, Juvenile Law Center, and John Burton Advocates for Youth hosted a webinar centered around new FAFSA policies that affect youth in the foster care system.   Why does FAFSA matter for homeless and foster youth? We know that FAFSA matters because some form of postsecondary education is necessary for

Decision Time Coming on COVID-19 Response Plan

As early as this week, congressional leaders may decide whether they can move President Biden’s COVID-19 relief package through a bipartisan process or whether they go the way of reconciliation. A budget reconciliation would mean no Senate filibuster. The House Budget Committee is likely to move on a resolution this week as part of a

Prevention Services Through the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)

The new Social Services Block Grant annual report once again documents the significance of SSBG to child welfare services. The SSBG Annual Report 2019 was posted in mid-January, and it complements information provided by the new Child Maltreatment 2019 report, also released this past January.   According to the 2019 Child Maltreatment report and its analysis of prevention services,

House Committee Introduces Bipartisan Legislation on CAPTA (Again!)

On Wednesday, January 27, 2021, the House Committee on Education and Labor introduced bipartisan legislation to strengthen the prevention and treatment of child abuse. H.R. 485, Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), proposes robust funding increases for states and local communities to implement strategies and programs that prevent child abuse is critical to strengthen

Children’s Bureau Informational on Latest COVID Relief Bill

The Children’s Bureau released the fifth Information Memorandum, ACYF-CB-IM-21-05, outlining the child welfare provisions included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. No program instructions or further guidance have been released yet, and unlikely that ACF will release anything before key positions or appointments are made. CWLA will continue to monitor and work with other partners to

Biden Preserves DACA on First Day

On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, President Biden’s first day was a launch of a sweeping immigration overhaul that included directing the Homeland Security and Justice departments to preserve and fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. His actions would shield undocumented immigrants brought to the country when they were children. DACA grants protection from

Decisions to Be Made on Biden COVID-19 Relief Legislation

One of the first critical decisions that will have to be worked out over the next several days is how President Biden will get his COVID-19 proposal through Congress. As a veteran senator who was also key to many of the Obama Administration’s congressional negotiations, he has raised hopes for bipartisan action, but that would

117th Congress Begins With Senate Lineup Set

On Sunday, January 3, 2021, the new 117th Congress began. On January 5, the fate of the Senate was decided when the two Georgia senate seats were filled by two Democrats. The run-off elections were the result of the November election, where none of the candidates won a clear majority of the total Georgia vote—a

The 2021 CWLA Transition Proposal

CWLA has published its transition paper for the new Administration and new Congress. The report has been circulated with key staff over the past several weeks. It reflects a look forward to improving child welfare services and more broadly strengthening families across the country. This A Stronger Foundation for America’s Families reflects the collective wisdom, insights, and concerns

The Last COVID Bill and the Next

At the end of last month, President Donald J Trump signed into law a $908 billion relief package in the larger omnibus budget legislation. Still, the President-elect has indicated they would be seeking additional help for a country devastated by a pandemic that is trending toward more than 400,000 to over a half million fatalities

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