Senate Legislation

New Family First Clearinghouse Ratings Released

  On Wednesday, July 24, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) released two more Title IV-E Prevention Services programs and services ratings for the Title IV-E Prevention Services in accordance with the Family First Prevention Services Act. Healthy Families America (HFA) is a nationally accredited home visiting program that was developed by Prevent Child

RISE from Trauma Act

Washington, D.C. – The Child Welfare League of America joins more than three dozen organizations in support of the RISE (Resilience Investment, Support, and Expansion) from Trauma Act (S.1770/H.R. 3180). The bipartisan and bicameral bill sponsors are Senators Richard Durbin (D-IL), Shelly Moore-Capito (R-WV), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Representatives Danny Davis

Boundless Futures: Building a Youth-Focused Child Welfare System

On July 16, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) hosted the 2019 Foster Youth Internship (FYI) Program Congressional Briefing. This was CCAI's 17th annual hearing consisting of policy recommendations from each presenter of the 2019 FYI Cohort including Anthony Abshire, Joshua Christian, Liliana Cory, Ria Esteves, David Samuel Hall, Sheree Hickman, Mackenzie McGeehan, Alexander

HHS Study on Therapeutic Foster Care Released

  The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in HHS has released new findings on Therapeutic Foster Care that analyzes the benefits and challenges of TFC. Therapeutic Foster Care is intended to help children in care who have behavioral or emotional disorders. It is provided in a family-based setting by an

GAO Says HHS-ACA Guidance Is Rule for Congressional Review

  The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued an opinion on July 15, 2019 telling Congress that recent changes the Administration made to the ACA waiver authority were significant enough to allow for congressional review because it is a new federal “rule.” As a result, it is subject to congressional oversight and requires certain reporting to

New Study Finds Medicaid Block Grant/Per-Capita-Cap Consequences

  A new report by Avalere analyzed the impact of a Medicaid block or per capita cap’s effect on health care funding. The results are very negative especially for children. The study shows that between 2020 and 2029 federal funding lost under a Medicaid block grant would result in a $163 to $143 billion cut

Immigration Continues to Get Its Focus From Congress

Congress continued to focus and debate immigration policy through a series of actions last week. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform held two hearing on Wednesday, “Kids in Cages: Inhumane Treatment at the Border” and a hearing, “The Trump Administration’s Child Separation Policy: Substantiated Allegations of Mistreatment” on Friday. In addition there were several

House Appropriations Final Bill Has Big Victory for CB-CAP

Last month, when the House of Representatives approved a four-bill appropriations package that included appropriations for the Department of Health and Human Services (by a vote of 226-to 203) they included an important improvement for child abuse prevention. The final House appropriation for the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CB-CAP) received a $35 million increase to

Budget Increasingly the Big Issue of Summer 2019

With time running short, it is looking more and more likely that the hot topic of July through September will be the FY 2020 budget. That budget debate now involves funding levels for the upcoming FY 2020, FY 2021 budgets as well as raising the debt ceiling. It is now believed that the debt ceiling

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