Senate Legislation

Kinship Navigator Funds Released

The Children’s Bureau has released instructions (ACYF-CB-PI-18-05) on how states can draw down $20 million in FY 2018 Kinship Navigator funds. The $20 million was added as part of the March-approved FY 2018 appropriations bills. It was attached to Title IV-B part 2, Promoting Safe and Stable Families. Unlike the Kinship-Navigator funds (which require programs

House Appropriations Adopts Funding Cuts To Juvenile Justice

Shaquita Ogletree A House Appropriations Subcommittee approved a fiscal year 2019 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill (32-19) last week. The bill contains $62.5 billion in total discretionary funding for CJS programs, an increase of $2.9 billion from FY18 levels. CJS Subcommittee Chairman John Culberson stated that the increase in fiscal 2019 bill ensures investments

Some House Republicans Push DACA Floor Vote

A handful of House Republicans led by Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) are attempting a long shot bid to force a vote on a DACA bill. The long shot is that they are using a seldom used House action to discharge a bill from committee. Curbelo filed the discharge petition and now they need to get

Dr Phil Addresses House Caucus While Committee Moves Opioids Bills

On Wednesday, May 9, Dr. Phil McGraw was the featured speaker at a briefing co-hosted by several congressional caucuses including the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth, Senate Caucus on Foster Youth, Congressional Social Work Caucus, Congressional Mental Health Caucus, the Congressional Crime Prevention and Youth Development Caucus, the Bipartisan Taskforce to Combat the Heroin Epidemic.

Administration Sends Rescission, Rumblings on Cuts in HHS

The Administration has sent up their package of rescissions totaling approximately $15 billion. The proposal, which must be acted on by appropriations committees to become effective, largely targets funds that have not yet spent. The biggest piece is CHIP reserve funds of approximately $7 billion. The funds are there in reserve in part to offset

Dreamers Describe Their Hopes to CWLA Gathering

A group of young people, as part of United We Dream, inspired a CWLA crowd at Thursday morning’s plenary, to go to Capitol Hill in support of fixing the current DACA gridlock by passing the DREAMERS Act. Sanaa Abrar, Policy Director for United We Dream was joined on the panel by Claudia Quinonez, Gerson Quinteros,

CWLA Advocates Prep for Capitol Hill

In preparation for Thursday afternoon Capitol Hill visits, CWLA members and state advocates came together on Wednesday afternoon to hear from a series of Washington D.C. speakers who addressed some of the latest issues and policies including the Family First Act. Associate Commissioner, Children’s Bureau, Jerry Milner offered the group some initial comments and engaged

Hill Staff Offer Perspective on Family First Act

Also addressing the Wednesday CWLA gathering were four key legislative staffers from the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. The bipartisan group included Anne DeCesaro, House Republican Staff, Morna Miller, House Democratic staff, Laura Berntsen, Senator Ron Wyden, and Ryan Martin, Senator Orrin Hatch. The bipartisan group used a power point

Senator Todd Young Meets With CWLA Members

Senator Todd Young (R-IN) wrapped up the Wednesday presentation with some brief remarks on his recent work and future priorities in the Senate. Senator Young was a prime sponsor of legislation that was included in the Family First Act, the National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise (NEICE). A bill intended to speed up cross-state placements of

HUD Announces Allocation of FUP Funding

On April 26, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a notice of $30 million in Family Unification Program (FUP) vouchers. The announcement combines 2017 funding that had not been released, with additional FY 2018 FUP funding. FUP vouchers are for families that lack of adequate housing and that lack of housing is

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