Senate Legislation

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DACA Fix Gets Some Republican Support

On Wednesday,  the former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, authored an Op-ed Opinion in the New York Times  that ending DACA will undermine national security efforts. Gates pointed out that more than 800 Dreamers are currently serving in the armed forces.  He highlighted that between 2006 through 2011 more than 45,000 immigrants served in the

No Movement on CHIP Reauthorization

There has been no progress on moving a CHIP reauthorization and movement in the Senate seems almost impossible this week as the Senate Finance Committee gets tied up with the tax package this week.  That would appear to kick this can down the road beyond Thanksgiving. The House of Representatives passed their version of a

Survey of States Show Dramatic Increase in Foster Care, Loss of Placements

Last week the Chronicle of Social Change released a new report and survey, The Foster Care Housing Crisis that focused new and much needed attention on the dramatic increase in foster care placements and the challenge some states are having finding enough placements for children and youth in foster care.  The report focused on capacity

Final Commission on Opioids Report Frames a Week of Discussion

The President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioids Crisis released its final report on Wednesday, November 1.  That wasn’t the only action or debate of the week on the topic, but it was the most significant. The Commission Final Recommendations: The report includes 56 recommendations but falls short on what they might cost

Taxes Likely to Dominate Rest of Year, Rescue for Adoption Credit Needed

Last week the House Republicans unveiled their tax reform package, H.R 1.  Since many tax credits and tax deductions were eliminated there were a few that CWLA and other advocates had hoped would be saved.  The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credits did survive at a much smaller level but one that was eliminated was

DACA Fix Runs Into Presidential Fire

The President had a discussion with some Senators before he departed for Asia.  He managed to throw a monkey wrench into the current DACA discussions by telling Senators they should not include DACA into a final budget deal in December.  They made a statement after the meeting saying they would not attach a DACA fix

House Sets Potential Conflict on CHIP Reauthorization

On Friday the House of Representatives plowed ahead on passing their version of a CHIP reauthorization which Democrats mostly opposed.  The measure was approved by a vote of 242 to 174.  The bill (HR 3922) would extend CHIP for five years but would extend community health center funding for only two years.  Democrats are opposing

Appropriations Action Uncertain

As we get closer to the December 8 expiration of the current FY 2018 funding, it is becoming more and more likely a final deal will not be struck.  Some are now suggesting the Congress may attempt another CR that would extend funding until December 15 to give the parties time to negotiate what they

Administration & Leaders Continue Effort to Weaken ACA

Despite an agreement by Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) on modest bipartisan changes to the ACA, the Trump Administration and Republican leaders have been taking aggressive action to undercut coverage and success. The President, HHS leaders, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) were acting to aggressively undercut the

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