Senate Legislation

New Home Visiting Research, Looking For Passage

Last week HHS released new research on the impact of the Home Visiting Coalition or Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program. The Senate has been considering a bill that would extend the program for only two years instead of the five years that advocates including CWLA have been seeking. This research can

House OKs Budget Reconciliation on Tax Cuts, Entitlement Cuts In 2018

On Thursday, October 26, the House went along with the Senate budget resolution by a vote of 216-212. That resolution will allow for the fast-track reconciliation process that will allow for a deficit increase of $1.5 trillion over the next ten years. The reconciliation places time-limits on floor debate in both the House and Senate

President’s Health Emergency on Opioids While House Looks at CARA

On Thursday, the President announced a declaration of a national health care emergency. The declaration is intended to make it easier to use current programs and funds to better address the opioids situation.  The declaration (which lasts for 90 days unless extended) came one day after the House Energy and Commerce Committee held their second

House Sets Potential Conflict on CHIP Reauthorization

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced the House would vote on its legislation to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), HR 3921. That announcement drew the ire of minority Democrats. Funding for CHIP expired on September 30, and the health coverage of nearly 9 million is currently at risk. In fact Congressman McCarthy held

DREAM Act Gets Some Hill Support

Patty Murray joined the leaders of education unions on Tuesday to call on Congress to pass the DREAM Act, S. 1615. The bill would offer a pathway to lawful permanent residency for an estimated 1.7 million so-called DREAMers, according to a recent analysis by the non-partisan Migration Policy Institute. The DREAM Act would provide the

ACA Hits Headwinds From Prominent Republicans

Last Tuesday, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) announced they had reached a comprise package on modest changes to the ACA.  The deal, worked on for several weeks, would extend for two years the Cost Sharing Reductions (CRS) subsidies the President has cut off, allow a more streamlined state waiver process, and

Hatch-Wyden Introduce New Child Welfare Bill, Committee Report

    On Tuesday Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced a new bill, S. 1964, the Child Welfare Oversight and Accountability Act of 2017.   Its basic features are a de-link of Title IV-E kinship/subsidized guardianship from the AFDC eligibility, create a different and more flexible kinship care licensing standard for kinship

Washington Post-60 Minutes Follows Opioid Story with Panel-Forum Discussion

Three days after the Washington Post Story and the October 15, 60 Minutes report on Congressional interference with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) effort to go after the opioid wholesale drug distributors, the Washington Post hosted a forum, Addiction in America, A Nation Responds. The Wednesday forum include a short video on one particular Pennsylvania

Senate Passes Budget Resolution, Step Closer to Tax Reconciliation

On Thursday, October 19, the Senate adopted their budget resolution by a vote of 51 to 49.  As a result, Congressional Republicans are one big step closer to having the legislative tool they need to pass a tax cut package. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was the only Republican no vote.  As Senators worked on adopting

EITC for Former Foster Youth

  CWLA has endorsed H.R. 2681, Foster EITC Act, sponsored by Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL). The Davis proposal would add an important expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for youth who were in foster care on or after their 14th birthday. Currently, the EITC disadvantages former foster youth who enter the work force

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