Senate Legislation

House Ready to Move Child Welfare Bills To Spur Senate Action

A Wednesday vote on a series of child welfare bills was cancelled last week after the Congressional baseball practice shooting.  Instead the House Ways and Means Committee discharged the bills with the intent they will be taken up on the House floor.  That floor date and vote has been set for Tuesday, June 20. The

Home Visiting Coalition Evaluates House Proposal

Now that the House Republicans have introduced a reauthorization of the MIECHV (Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting), or home visiting program there are a number of concerns with the current legislative draft. The Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act (HR 2824), while it would extend the program for five year as CWLA and

House Budget Resolution Unlikely This Week

This Wednesday is the target date for the House Budget Committee to move a budget resolution for FY 2018. At least that is the goal but it is still an open question as to whether or not they will meet that goal this week.  Since House leadership would like to pass the resolution in one

House Republicans Introduce Home Visiting Bill

Before leaving for the weekend, House Republicans introduced a reauthorization of the MIECHV (Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting), or home visiting program. The bill, the Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act (HR 2824), would extend the program for five years—as CWLA and other advocates have pursued—but provides level funding of $400 million a

ACA: Senate Attempting Quick Action

Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is bound and determined to have a vote on the Senate ACA repeal bill by the end of this month. The logic is that the Senate needs to move the issue one way or another so that the rest of the legislative year and priorities such as a tax

Capitol Hill Groups Lays Out Challenges for Families in Housing Struggle

On Tuesday, a coalition of groups including CWLA sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing, Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Families Experiencing Homelessness. The briefing included Mary Haskett (NC State), Carmela DeCandia (Artemis Associates), Grace Whitney (IMH-E Schoolhouse Connections), Preston Britner (University of Connecticut), Anne Farrell (Chapin Hall, Chicago) and Ruth White (National Council on Homelessness

2018 Appropriations and Debt Ceiling Update

Congress has started to step up their hearing process for appropriations with several committees and subcommittees, holding preliminary reviews and testimony from Administration officials. Concurrently, there has been no more clarity on the debt ceiling front except for the fact that the Administration reaffirmed the need to raise it before the August break. The Democrats

Congress Back For Long Hot Summer

The Congress returns this week for what promises to be a very challenging and unpredictable two-months. Before Congress leaves for the August summer break, they will attempt to deal with most of the 2018 appropriations, raise the debt ceiling, vote out a Senate version of an ACA repeal, continue dealing with the ongoing hearings/controversies on

The Need To Raise the Debt Ceiling

The debt ceiling must be raised again and it could suck all the oxygen out of the political room.  Technically the federal government is restricted from paying its bills once the ceiling on total federal debt is hit. Due to federal deficit spending, the ceiling must be raised periodically by Congress.  The only time this

Administration Vacancies and the Impact

The Partnership for Public Service tracks the progress of Administration hiring.  There are over 1200 positions that require an OK from the US Senate.  Many of these however are somewhat less significant such as commissions, even smaller ambassadorships.  But the Partnership tracks what they consider to be key appointments that include number two and three

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