Senate Legislation

Meet Your Member of Congress

With Congress headed into a two-week break, it will be the biggest opportunity for voters to meet their member since last year’s election.   Go visit your Member of Congress at the next town hall!  Families USA has a calendar that can tell you when your Member of Congress is back home and ready to hear

Next Steps on ACA Could Give Life or Not

With some Congressional Republicans suggesting that a repeal of the ACA is still front and center it will not likely happen when the Congress returns after the spring break. With the CR funding due for resolution within days of reconvening, a full FY 2018 budget release in Mid-May, and a desire to do a tax

Shout Out To CWLA Members Making A Difference

CWLA members were part of the masses that flooded Capitol Hill with calls and outreach in the past several weeks but especially last week.  Earlier this month, CWLA sent a letter to Capitol Hill opposing the American Health Care Act. In the letter,  CWLA President and CEO Chris James-Brown pointed out the importance of expanded

CWLA Members Head To Hill Post ACA Debate

On Wednesday, CWLA members will begin to gather in Washington DC for the annual CWLA National Conference.  The Conference located within walking distance of the Capitol Hill dome will allow the approximately 500 registrants to make their voices heard right during the intense debates on health care, budgets and other controversies. As part of the

President and Speaker Pull Plug on American Health Care Act

On Friday afternoon President Donald Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) pulled the American Health Care Act from a floor to prevent a vote that would have ended in defeat.  The loss came after a tumultuous week of changes to the bill just a few days earlier. Essentially Ryan could not come up with a

Administration Budget Heavy On Cuts And Criticism

The President’s proposed budget for discretionary spending for 2018 landed with a crash as it includes dramatic cuts across agencies and departments as a way to pay for increases to the Pentagon. The proposal was released on Thursday, March16 and applies to the discretionary portion of federal spending with the rest to be published with

CWLA Sends Letter Opposing Health Care Proposal

On Tuesday, March 14, CWLA sent a letter to Capitol Hill opposing the American Health Care Act. Citing the new Congressional Budget Office analysis, in the letter, CWLA President and CEO Chris James-Brown points out the importance of expanded mental health and substance abuse services saying, “The availability of health care coverage through the Affordable

CBO Tells Congress 52 Million Uninsured by 2026 and Much More

Late Monday, March 13, The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its required analysis of the American Health Care Act concluding that it would both reduce the number of people with health insurance while cutting health care costs to the federal government. The analysis determined that 14 million people would become uninsured next year (2018), 21

Home Visiting Hearing Positive About MIECHV

On Wednesday, March 15, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources held a hearing and took the first step toward a reauthorization of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program.  Members from both sides seemed positive in their assessment of the program they were also well informed on how the

House Health Bills Move From Committees

The House Ways and Means Committee followed by the House Commerce and Energy Committee moved their parts of Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) health plan on Thursday, March 9.  The Ways and Means Committee gave final approval to their part of the bill on Thursday morning around 2:00 AM.  Later that early afternoon the Energy and

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