Senate Legislation

Ending Medicaid As We Know It

The House health care plan confronts what are two overarching Medicaid issues but the second one may be the most significant.  The first issue is how to deal with the Medicaid expansion enacted under the ACA.  Thirty-one states have expanded their Medicaid programs to all adults up to 138 percent of poverty. The second issue

Maybe No Big News on Budget This Week

The Trump Administration will release its “skinny budget” this week on either March 15 or March 16.  It is referred to as a skinny budget because it will include only “top-line” figures meaning possibly only larger agency and department budgets will be listed without the program specifics.  This approach is somewhat traditional for other first

Health Care, Foster Care: Its About the Treatment

Last fall when HHS released the new ACFARS Report Number 23, they pointed out that nearly three quarters of states reported an increase in the numbers of children entering foster care from 2014 to 2015. They went on to highlight that the five states with the largest increases were Florida, Indiana, Georgia, Arizona, and Minnesota;

Senate Repeals Set of Education Regulations

Efforts to better coordinate access to education for children and youth in foster care may have suffered a setback last week Thursday.  The Senate approved a roll-back of Obama Administration regulations to implement the new education law. The regulations covered numerous parts of the newly reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education ACT (ESEA).  In part the

Groups From All 50 States Support SSBG

A coalition group including CWLA has sent Capitol Hill an updated letter of support of SSBG on Thursday.  The letter includes more than 75 national organizations and organizations and agencies from all fifty states. CWLA has created a new resource on the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). The new resource are state-by-state fact sheets found

Legislation Would Create Commission on Criminal Justice Reform

On Wednesday, March 8, Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced a bipartisan bill to create a National Criminal Justice Commission.  The commission would make recommendations on a range of criminal justice issues.  In a time of partisan rancor, the bill is cosponsored by 12 Democrats and 8 Republicans.  The bill, S 573 is modeled after a

Defense Increase of 10 Percent Could Devastate

The President’s desire to provide a ten percent increase in the Defense Department budget could devastate a number of human services and domestic programs. Unless Congress agrees to fund the increase through deficits, the $54 billion will create enormous pressure on the annual appropriations (discretionary spending) which totals only $1.1 trillion out of a federal

House May Take Committee Action on ACA Repeal This Week

Under criticism that they are drafting an ACA repeal in secret, House Republicans are crafting legislation that they could begin to move out of the two key House committees later this week.  The White House may also release its official plan which is expected to mirror what Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WS) is pushing.   The plan that

SSBG Factsheets Now Available

CWLA has created a new resource on the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). The new resource are state-by-state fact sheets found on the advocacy site as a separate tab.  Each state    there is a sheet that provides a simple description of how much a state receives in SSBG-human services funding and gives a broad view

Senate Judiciary Focuses on Juvenile Justice

On Tuesday, February 28, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on juvenile justice issues.  The hearing began with remarks by the Chairman, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), who in his opening statement,  discussed the fact that last year he, along with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) crafted a bill that garnered bipartisan support to reauthorize the

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