Senate Legislation

President’s Speech Likely Start of Budget Debate

When the President addresses Congress and the nation on Tuesday, it will likely bring in a broader discussion of the federal budget which has had limited debate thus far into the new Administration.  It is expected that the Administration will outline a budget proposal for FY 2018 when they release a slimmed down version of

Center Paper Outlines Consequences of A Block Grant

Last week the Center on Budget Policy and Priority released an analysis of federal block grants and their negative consequences.  The analysis, Block-Granting Low-Income Programs Leads to Large Funding Declines Over Time, History Shows, examined 13 different block grants including TANF, Child Care, SSBG, Housing as well as some other human service funding sources and

Leaked Copy of House ACA Repeal Outlines Medicaid Caps-Tax Credits

Over the weekend a leaked copy of a draft ACA repeal bill was made public by Politico magazine.  The bill draft would implement some of the general descriptions Speaker Paul Ryan outlined in a white paper the week before and like that white paper it leaves questions to be answered on how the bill will

Deadlines on Health Care

This week the Trump Administration will have to make decision on what to do with the House v. Burwell.  House v Burwell is the House of Representative’s efforts to cut off funding to insurers that help reduce the cost of health insurance premiums for some people purchasing health insurance through the ACA.   House Republicans had

Resources To Improve Education and Foster Care Status

The Legal Center for Foster Care & Education  has created a guide and factsheet, Roadmap for Foster Care and K–12 Data Linkages, that promotes the cooperation between state and local education and child welfare agencies in the sharing of data.  The Center points out that by sharing data, child welfare and education agencies can work

President’s Harsh Immigration Actions Leaves Window Dreamers—for Now

The Homeland Security Memorandum implementing the President’s Executive Order of January 25, has been interpreted as widening the immigrant targets for removal but, at least for now, this has not extended to DACA students and young people who were brought here at a young age by parents or guardians.  DACA is short for Deferred Action

House Leadership Discusses Repeal and Replace Plan

Last Thursday, February 16, Speaker Paul Ryan went before his Republican caucus to unveil the leaderships repeal and replace plan for the Affordable Care Act. That plan outlined in a white paper still left questions in the minds of some members fearing it didn't go far enough in its repeal or maybe went too far

Tax Plan Could Contribute to Entitlement Block Grants

Last week Congress was also talking tax cuts and tax reform.  How it ends up could have a big impact on entitlements.  It is expected that the second reconciliation—which hasn't been written yet until the next year’s budget resolution is adopted for FY 2018—will be used for a tax cut package.  There will likely be

Cabinet Update: Mulvaney Approved for OMB, Verma on Track for CMS

On Thursday, February 16, Congressman Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) became the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.  That likely means a stripped down first year budget for the new Administration will be released in March.  That budget will give the first significant and detailed insight into what the new Administration will do on spending

Health Statistic and Trump Administration Actions on Health Care  

Last week resulted in the release of a range of health care statistics as well as some Administration actions that could greatly impact the ACA.  First the numbers. National Health Interview Survey, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data on the decline in the percentage of uninsured in the

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