Administration Continues To Take Heat on Splitting Families

Last year the Child Welfare League of America participated in a Capitol Hill press conference with congressional members, including Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA) denouncing the Administration’s consideration of a policy that would split up immigrant families as an anti-immigration enforcement tool. A report by the Washington Post last month indicates that the Administration is preparing

Kinship Briefing on Navigator Programs

Shaquita Ogletree The Congressional Foster Youth Caucus hosted a Kinship Navigator Programs Roundtable Discussion on May 23. Congressperson Karen Bass (D-CA), Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA) and Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) all offered remarks before the panel discussion. The panel discussion included one of the Shadow Day interns (see below) Brittany from Michigan who shared her

Youth Awareness and Prevention On Opioids

Shaquita Ogletree On May 22, the Hill newspaper sponsored another of their series of forums on opioids, America’s Opioid Epidemic: Youth Awareness & Prevention. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) spoke about her state having the highest opioid death rate per capita in the United States and how the state is struggling with the multiple families

Six Year of Shadow Day On Capitol Hill

For the past 6 years, the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth has hosted a Shadow Day on Capitol Hill in coordination with the month of May as Foster Care Month. Youth in foster care and alumni of foster care ages 18-30 are invited to Washington, D.C. The participants are paired with their Members of Congress

Administration Looks to Military Bases to Separate Children from Families

A report by the Washington Post last week indicates that the Administration is preparing to use of military bases to hold immigrant children who are either unaccompanied minors or are being split apart from their families. The Post obtained an email notification sent to Pentagon staff. HHS will make visits at four military installations in

HRC Releases Survey-Study of LGBTQ Youth

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report. The report is based on a survey of more than 12,000 young people aged 13 through 17. The survey was conducted in 2017 by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and researchers at the University of Connecticut. The report states, “Parents and families play

Some House Republicans Push DACA Floor Vote

A handful of House Republicans led by Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) are attempting a long shot bid to force a vote on a DACA bill. The long shot is that they are using a seldom used House action to discharge a bill from committee. Curbelo filed the discharge petition and now they need to get

Helping Children of Incarcerated Parents and Children in Foster Care

Shaquita Ogletree The Brookings Institution hosted a briefing for the release of the latest issue of the Future of Children, “Reducing Justice Inequality” with a policy brief – “Helping Children with Parents in Prison and Children in Foster Care.” The event held on Wednesday, May 9, included an overview of the latest journal issue, recommendations

One States Deep Dive Into Caseload Highlights Significant Re-entries

In March the Nebraska Foster Care Review Office (FCRO) issued their quarterly report that took an up-close look at children that re-enter foster care. In that closer look at the children and youth in foster care they found a much more significant number of children in foster care who had been in foster care at

Dreamers Describe Their Hopes to CWLA Gathering

A group of young people, as part of United We Dream, inspired a CWLA crowd at Thursday morning’s plenary, to go to Capitol Hill in support of fixing the current DACA gridlock by passing the DREAMERS Act. Sanaa Abrar, Policy Director for United We Dream was joined on the panel by Claudia Quinonez, Gerson Quinteros,

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