Voices of Youth Study: Increased Homelessness Threat to LGBTQ Youth

On Wednesday, April 25 Voices of Youth Count released a new study on the increased vulnerability for homelessness for LGBTQ youth. The latest study, LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in America, determined that LGBTQ young people are most at risk of youth subpopulations for homelessness. The survey of 18 to 25-year-old young adults found that, in the

HUD Announces Allocation of FUP Funding

On April 26, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a notice of $30 million in Family Unification Program (FUP) vouchers. The announcement combines 2017 funding that had not been released, with additional FY 2018 FUP funding. FUP vouchers are for families that lack of adequate housing and that lack of housing is

Child Welfare League Legislative Agenda

Part of the CWLA National Conference includes the release of CWLA 2018 legislative agenda and supporting materials on the reauthorization of the JJDPA, preservation of SSBG, preserving the ACA and Medicaid, the dangers of block grants, but the main talking points for Capitol Hill will focus on greater funding through the Title IV-B programs to

HELP Readies CARA Update And Vote Tuesday

Last week Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018. In their release they indicated that they introduced bipartisan legislation to address the urgent opioid crisis and said the Committee will markup (debate and vote on) the legislation on Tuesday, April 24. The joint statement said

The Big Event of The Week Comes After Congress Exits: March for Our Lives

The biggest event last week was not the drama around a final FY 2018 budget bill but came on Saturday when several hundred thousand came to Washington to listen to a series of young people-children speak of the horrors of gun violence in the United States. Except for some limited celebrity entertainment in support of

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Deferred Again

In the end a fix for DACA was never really considered. Despite the President’s comments on Friday it appears that a DACA fix was never a serious point of negotiation. As one of the three key factions in any budget negotiation, the President could have drawn a line in the sand and demanded a fix.

Foster Youth and Identity Theft in America

Shaquita Ogletree On Monday, March 20, the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth and Cybersecurity Caucus co-hosted a briefing to discuss youth in foster care as victims of identity theft and what some companies are proposing to do to solve this problem. Speakers included Eva Casey Velasquez, President/CEO of Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), Serita Cox,

Gun Debate Occupies Washington Discussion For Now

The talk in Washington last week was dominated by the latest school shootings in Parkland, Florida. At the start of the week it seemed clear that the Congress would do little if anything, but those plans seemed to get at least a partial jolt by the President’s cabinet room meeting on Wednesday, February 28, the

DACA OK Until?

The Supreme Court, on Monday, February 26, declined to take up an emergency ruling on the President’s repeal of DACA that had been set to take place on Monday—today. The Administration was attempting to speed up the process and was asking the Supreme Court to take up some lower court rulings that have placed a

More on Opioids

Last week the President became the latest President to mark a top priority by declaring war on it. Mr. Trump declared a war on opioids saying, “When confronting a crisis of this magnitude, the most important factor—and one where government too often falls short—is making sure that every dollar is used effectively. To this end,

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