Foster Youth Go To Congress

From May 22 through May 27 more than 100 young people participated in “Shadow Day,” an event that matches youth in foster care with a member of the House of Representatives.  Young people in foster care participate in a number of events, forums and training.  The events this year included a viewing and discussion of

Senators Examine Child Welfare-Juvenile Justice Link

On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee, as part of National Foster Care Month held a hearing, Supporting Youth in the Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Systems. In opening the hearing Chairman Charles Grassley (R-IA) said that he hoped the hearing would result in some new information and strategies to better coordinate services between the child

May Is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. In recognition of that, last Wednesday, May 4, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies highlighted that day as National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. The special focus will continue for the rest of this month and of course coincides with the month as National Foster

Third Briefing Continues Focus on Substance Use

The Senate Caucus on Foster Youth held the third of its Congressional Briefing Series, Part Three: Promising Solutions for the Future: What Can Be Done to Meet Child and Family Substance Abuse and Mental Health Needs? Panelists included Nancy Young, Children and Families Futures, Mark Casas, student and former foster youth, Tianna Van Tassel, Bridges

Runaway And Homeless Youth Program Supporters Hopeful

On Wednesday May 4, the National Network for Youth and the True Colors Fund sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing in support of a reauthorization of the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act. The panel of speakers included Darla Bardine, Executive Director, National Network for Youth, Dr. Resa Matthew, Family and Youth Services Bureau,

President Proclaims National Foster Care Month

On April 28, the President signed a proclamation recognizing May as national foster care month. The President said in his proclamation: “The success of our country tomorrow depends on the well-being of our children today. As a Nation, we have a duty to empower each child so they have the same sense of promise and

HHS Releases New Study on Homeless Youth

Last week, HHS through the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB), issued a Data Collection Study gathered through that Bureau’s Street Outreach Program.  The results provide an over view of the grim circumstances for homeless and runaway youth. The study indicated: The average youth spent nearly two years living on the streets. More than 60

Judges Outline Approaches To Improve Juvenile Justice

On Tuesday, February 23 the National Council of Juvenile Family Court judges sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing to highlight juvenile justice issues. The briefing included a panel discussion that was led by Dr. Sean Marsh from the Council and he was joined by four judges: Judge Karen Adams, AZ, Judge Deborah Schumacher, NV, Judge Richard

Outcomes Data Highlights Need To Focus Reunification On 12 and Older

The new annual HHS Child Welfare Outcomes report 2010 through 2013 has been released and the summary continues to highlight a greater focus on youth coming into care at 12 or older as an area that could be strengthened.  In short they said: “Moderate correlations were found between the measure of reentry into foster care

Chapin-Hall Report Urges Detailed Strategy To Reduce Group Care

A new policy brief by Chapin Hall and the Chadwick Center, Using Evidence to Accelerate the Safe and Effective Reduction of Congregate Care for Youth Involved with Child Welfare was released in the past week.  The research could be important in light of the Senate Finance Committee’s still-in-development Families First Act which could potentially open

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