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Senators Introduce Bill to Rebuild Child Care Infrastructure

On Thursday, September 24, Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced, Rebuilding a Better Child Care Infrastructure Act, a bill to make child care more affordable and accessible for families, as well as helping to rebuild a more robust child care system. The COVID-19

2019 Census Child Poverty Data and What COVID-19 Means for Kids

Earlier this week, First Focus on Children co-hosted a webinar with the Children’s Defense Fund, and the Child Poverty Action Group on the topic of the 2019 Census Data released this month on child poverty. The collection and publication of this data are incredibly useful because they capture families’ socio-economic realities with children. This acts

Supreme Court Appointee Looms Large on Future of Gender Discrimination

CWLA joined dozens of children’s groups and other advocates in filing an amicus brief in support of the City of Philadelphia in upholding their non-discrimination requirements in child placements. The case will be heard at the Supreme Court the day after the election. In 2018 a report in the Philadelphia Inquirer had determined that some

National Voter Registration Day: Tuesday, September 22, 2020

CWLA is excited to be part of a national effort to register voters on September 22, 2020, also known as National Voter Registration Day. First celebrated in 2012, National Voter Registration Day has become a national holiday when thousands of organizations and volunteers organize to ensure our family, friends, and neighbors are registered to vote

Record Numbers Set for the 2019 Census Income and Poverty Data Prior to the Pandemic

On Tuesday, September 15, the U.S. Census Bureau released new data on income and poverty in the United States for 2019. According to the data, the median household income shows the highest on record number and declines in the official poverty rate. According to the data released, the U.S. poverty rate declined to 10.5 percent in 2019

Mixed Messages on COVID-19 Relief

On Tuesday, September 15, 2020, the House “Problem Solvers Caucus,” a collection of House Democrats and Republicans, released their compromise COVID-19 relief framework. The framework proposes a bill that would total approximately $1.5 trillion with the potential to go higher (or lower) depending on where the economy goes in the next months. Perhaps most significantly, the

More Report of Immigrant Abuse By Homeland Security

On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, several publications printed reports of immigrant detainee abuse at Homeland Security facilities including the possibility of unapproved hysterectomies on women being held at the facility. The reports and recent court actions highlight the difficulty many immigrant families are facing during the pandemic. Immigrants with proper documentation and status are being

Growing Up Poor in America

A new Frontline documentary, Growing Up Poor in America, depicts three children and their families’ stories as they navigate poverty during the coronavirus pandemic.     The COVID-19 pandemic has not been friendly to American families who have struggled in the past to make ends meet. With schools shutting down across the nation, parents had to be

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